LXXV. Yeah, They're Nosy, But It's Because They Care

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"Guys, I'm worried about Matt."

Instead of meeting in a dorm like usual, they had found a secluded corner in the library.

"Why isn't Sebastian here?" Thad asked.

"He's probably with Matt. Besides, he's been turning a blind eye to what's going on," Jeff said.

Blaine nodded. "He is rather quick to say that nothing's wrong."

"Yeah, speaking as his roommate, something's definitely wrong," David said. "He looks like he's in pain a lot and don't get me started on the nausea."

"Do you ever think that Sebastian might know what's going on? That maybe they don't want us to know?" Kurt's voice was quiet, but they all heard him.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"Just... Maybe it's personal. Maybe they don't want us to know yet. I think we should respect that."

"We share everything personal, though," David pointed out.

"I have ADHD and I'm rather high on the autism spectrum," Jeff said mildly.

"You guys didn't find out that I'm transgender until Wes got drunk and told you," Thad added.

"Thad's the guy that picked me up after the whole dance incident and made sure I was okay."

"My brother and his friends used to harass me until I transferred to Dalton," Nick said.

"I battled anorexia some time ago, and I have OCD," Kurt finished. "The point is, we tel-"

"You had anorexia?"

"Long story. But the point is that we tell each other things in due time, not necessarily right as they're happening."

"I see your point, but we want to be able to help," Jeff said.

"Maybe we can help without knowing what's going on."

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