LXXXIV. Do Not TOUCH The Sunshine Boy

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"Hey, kid."

Jeff turned, smiling. "Hi! Have yo–"

He got cut off, slammed back into the wall. It sent him into a coughing fit, attempting to catch his breath.

"We saw you during truth or dare. Kissing your little faggy boyfriend," one of them hissed.

"I'm just trying to–"

"Trying to what? Make everyone uncomfortable?"

Jeff tried to pull himself off the wall but they were pinning his arms down.

"We don't wanna see it, fag. We don't want it rubbed in our faces. And you got a lesson to learn."

"What do you–"

He was cut off by a fist to his face, leaving him spitting out blood. "What the hell are you–"

The next was to the ribs, knocking out his breath.

He was unconscious before long.


They made to leave, but the voice called after them again. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"What do you want, fag?"

"Oh, real hypocritical," the boy spat.

His eyes went wide. "You sai–"

"What, that you were his boyfriend? Yeah, well that was before you messed with my friends. You shouldn't take your grief out on other people."

One punch to the face and he was down on the concrete.

Kurt grinned vindictively. "I've been wanting to do that forever."

He turned to the other two boys, neither of which he recognized, who were shocked that he just took Azimio to the ground with a single hit.

"Are you going to run like the cowards you are or can I finally see your blood instead of mine?"

Just that and they ran. Kurt scoffed, stepping over Azimio to kneel down by Jeff.

He shook his shoulder gently. "Jeff. Jeff, wake up."

The blonde stirred, blinking. "Wha...?"

Kurt helped him up, wrapping an arm around him. "I think you just had the displeasure of meeting some old friends."

Blaine rushed over from where he had been standing speechlessly, helping Jeff from his other side.

They were the first ones to leave.

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