XCVI. Welcome To Your New Home, We Have A Big-Ass Window

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Spring break came all too fast. Jeff invited Nick to stay with him, his family not knowing what was going on with Nick's parents. Mrs. Webster had found him a lawyer, knowing nobody else would. There was no overstepping when the other side was abandoned.

Wes didn't think he'd ever been more nervous. The family that would be fostering him was giving him a ride. He didn't point out he had a car. After all, his parents' car (which was technically his) was still at his old house since he had walked to Dalton.

They were deciding what to do with the house still. Soon Wes would be eighteen and could live in it, but as a minor he couldn't pay taxes and such for it. Nobody asked his opinion, because as convenient as it was, he never wanted to see it again. Nobody had ever thought, "Hey, maybe it'd be triggering for him to be in there again after what happened," or, "Maybe we should ask him."

He blinked out of his thoughts as a man walked up to him. "You're Wesley, right?"

He nodded softly, shaking his hand. "I prefer to go as Wes, if you don't mind."

He also nodded. "I'm Marcus."

Wes followed him to his car. He didn't have to worry about sitting in the front seat or back seat since it was a pickup.

As they drove, Marcus filled him in. "Lacey– my wife– is away on business but should be back in a few days. I have a daughter, Chloe, who you'll be sharing a room with."

He nodded, trying to remember the information. It wasn't long before they had arrived.

Wes's heart was a drum in his chest. He was surprised Marcus couldn't hear it. Hell, he was surprised people back at Dalton couldn't hear it.

He walked up to the front door and unlocked it, leading them both into a hallway that opened to a kitchen/living room area. It was nothing like Wes's old house.

There was a sound of footsteps walking down stairs. "That took too long." A girl with brown hair, presumably Chloe, said.

Wes was about to apologize but Marcus laughed. "I told you I'd be a while. Chloe, this is Wes, Wes, this is Chloe. Chloe, can you show him around and get him settled in? I've got work."

She nodded and he left to another room of the house. She gestured for Wes to follow her and he walked along at her side.

"This is the living room and kitchen, that room with the door shut is dad's office. If the door's shut, never disturb him unless it's an emergency. Um, dining room, TV room, and that's it for the main floor."

They headed upstairs. "That room's a bathroom, that's a closet, that's mom and dad's room, that's our room. Oh, and that's just a big-ass window."

At the very end of the hall was a window, complete with a window seat. It was indeed a big-ass window.

She took him to their room, not bothering to point out which bed was his before sitting on hers and getting on her phone.

He sat down on his bed and sent a text to David as he promised.


I'm here.

Tell me everything.


You know what I

Well, it's a couple
(Marcus and I don't know
her name) and their one
child (Chloe) but Chloe's
mother is gone on work

They nice?

I mean, so far.
Chloe's around my age.

How are you doing?

You know how in
cartoons, squirrels on
treadmills power
people's hearts?


My squirrel's having
a seizure.

Aw, Wes...

Can I call you?

That'd be nice...
but if I answer something
weirdly it's because
Chloe's in the room too


Wes's phone rang and he immediately picked up. "Hey."


Wes saw Chloe glance at him out of the corner of his eye. "Where are you?"

"My room. My mom insisted on making peach pie when I got home, so she's in the kitchen. Perks of having a mom from Georgia."

Wes chuckled. "That sounds really good."

"You have to try it sometime. It's probably my favorite food."

Just listening to David talk was calming him down already. The hint of a southern accent on some of his pronunciations, there was nothing like his voice. Well, except his laugh. "Sounds like a plan. How do you think Nick's doing?"

"He's probably had a panic attack... or two. Or three. But he's going to get through this, I can feel it."

"I hope... I don't know, his parents seem like good liars. I just don't want to think what would happen if he lost."

"He won't. He can't lose, not with the evidence on his side."

"Yeah." Wes took a deep breath. "Any plans for break?"

"Seeing you as much as I can, having you try my mom's pie, and fucking you at least once are on my list."

Wes laughed. "Very subtle. Those all sound great to me, though."

"Kinda wish you were alone right now."

Wes bit back a 'mind out of the gutter' comment, knowing he wasn't alone, and just hummed in agreement.

"I half-expected await. You can't tell me to get my mind out of the gutter since you're not alone."

"I don't like that tone."

David laughed. "I so easily have the upper hand here, but I'm too much of a gentleman for that."

"Hm. Sure."

"Would you rather I-"

"Nope, I agree, complete polite person," Wes said quickly.

David laughed again. "That's what I thought. What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Um, probably going to have a panic attack since I haven't yet. Why?"

"Well, I'd much rather meet you at the Lima Bean than that. Does nine work for you?"

"I believe it does."

"Perfect. It's a date, then." A timer beeped on David's side. "Ooh, pie. Talk to you later, alright?"

Wes laughed. "Okay."

The phone call ended, Wes feeling much lighter.

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