CXIX. Oh... Shit.

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"So Hunter and Blaine ran back to our dorm, Hunter kicked the bathroom door in– it was locked, and–"

Kurt stopped short, his heart speeding up as he realized what that meant.

All he could hear was ringing. He couldn't handle this. It couldn't– no, this– it wasn't– this wasn't happening to him.

It wasn't.

His feet moved while his head stayed frozen. He found himself leaving the room, walking down the hall.

Where was he going?

He stopped walking when he was far, far away from his dorm. He collapsed in the hallway, too numb to cry. He just stared at the wall across from him.

He wracked his mind for anything Blaine said about him. He was on so many pain meds every time they talked in the hospital, he could only remember bits and pieces. Surely he'd remember that, though.

Hunter and Blaine ran back to their dorm. Hunter kicked in the bathroom door.

It was impossible for Blaine to not have seen him. He saw him, pale and deathly looking, probably covered in blood. Kurt shuddered just thinking about it.

He was glad he always had a fashion sense, otherwise his scarves and high-collared shirts would have raised questions.

He didn't even want to know what Blaine had seen. Him, lying on the tiled floor, most likely on his back... Neck, lower half of his face, collarbones and shoulders all covered in blood... Deathly pale from blood loss... Blood probably pooled around him on the floor...

That's when he started to cry.

How could Blaine look at him without being disgusted?

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