LXXXII. Gays Have A Giant Group Chat

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"Hey, kid."

Nick turned, confused. He had gone out on the terrace to get some air. "Me?"

"Ever smoked before?"

He took a half-step back. "No. And I'd rather not."

The boy shrugged. "Suit yourself."

Nick could tell he was definitely drunk and felt like leaving, but the boy spoke again before he could.

"Do you guys have some sort of network?"

"Um, what?"

"All gays seem to know each other somehow. Like, old gay transfers from my school, new gay transfers and turns out he's his ex boyfriend."

Nick approached the railing the boy was leaning on. "How'd you know I'm gay?"

"The eyeliner. And you're wearing a leather jacket but you've never smoked. But, like, do you know Kurt Hummel?"


"But how? Is there, like, some giant gay group chat? Some secret gay society? You all know each other."

Nick laughed. "No, he goes to my school."

"So you know Blaine, then. He treating him well?"

"They're pretty much the definition of couple goals. Wait, you said a gay transferred from your school and then his ex boyfriend transferred to it. You weren't talking about Kurt, were you?"

"Yeah, I was. I get an odd vibe from this guy, though."

"I thought Blaine was his first boyfriend?"

The boy shrugged, putting out his cigarette. "Nope. Hey, say hi to Kurt for me."

Before Nick could answer, the boy had disappeared back into the house.

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