LXXIX. Happy Valentine's Day

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Kurt was awoken with a kiss on the forehead. "Kurt."

"Hm?" he mumbled.

"Happy Valentine's day, love."

Kurt smiled, wrapping his arms around Blaine. "Happy Valentine's day to you too."

Nick was awoken with a kiss on the cheek. "Nicky..."

Nick smiled, yawning. "Happy Valentine's day."

Jeff grinned, kissing him. "Happy Valentine's day."

Wes and David woke up at the same time, intertwined in each other's arms. They both smiled, knowing what day it was.

"We are going all out this year," Wes mumbled. "Everything. My fucking parents can't stop us this time."

David kissed him on the forehead. "Sounds like heaven."

"Bastian..." Matt giggled. "Sebastian, wake up."

Sebastian blinked sleepily. "The fuck are you doing in my room?" he mumbled.

Matt laughed. "It's Valentine's day."

Sebastian pulled Matt onto the bed by his waist. "Well, right now it's sleep time."

"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?" Matt asked softly, nuzzling his face into Sebastian's chest.

"Mhm," Sebastian said, both of them falling back asleep.

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