CXX. MY Future Husband!

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Immediately as he walked into Matt's room, Sebastian could tell something was wrong.

"Matt? Is something wrong?"

Matt looked up at him. "I swear, the moment I need you, you teleport."

"Well, we're soulmates. Our souls obviously know when the other is upset. What's going on?" Sebastian asked, walking over to Matt and sitting next to him. He mentally cheered, seeing the words bring a smile to Matt's face.

Matt burrowed into Sebastian's side, face buried in the crook of his neck. The tension in his body immediately melted away and he let out a contented sigh.

"I was checking in on Jason and Nathan, like I usually do. Except not as short and reassuring as usual. Jason's hospital nearly lost a patient because of some newbie, and they seem to have an extensive family. He's stressed out from people walking in and out all the time and the security guards being more active than usual. Nathan went to get another kid from an abusive situation, but he was extremely violent to them and ran. They can't find him. And I'm worried about Thad. It's just– I'm just really stressed and anxious."

"Hey, hey, hey," Sebastian soothed, running a hand through Matt's messy hair. "It's going to be okay, alright? Thad came back at some point last night, he was reading again. Kurt was also there, which was kinda weird, but I guess he must have fallen asleep downstairs and Thad ran across him. The kid at Jason's hospital is going to get better and then he won't have to deal with that."

Matt sighed, nudging his head against Sebastian's hand. "You always know what to say."

Sebastian continued to run his hand through Matt's hair, straightening out all the tangles. He was quiet for a minute.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Matt asked.

"Do you think I could help Nathan? I think I know what's going on, and I hate the idea of just standing by when I can help."

Matt smiled. "You're so... Ugh, I love you. I can call him."

"I love you too." Sebastian moved his head to the side, kissing Matt on the forehead. Matt smiled, moving his head up to kiss Sebastian on the lips.

Then Matt took out his phone, video-calling Nathan.

Before long it stopped ringing, an image filling the screen. "Matt, what's up? We're about to make another round for the kid." Nathan had set the phone on a counter, clearly moving around in a hurry.

"You might not need to. Is it, like, legal for Sebastian to help?"

That caught Nathan's attention. The phone was quickly picked up, actually showing his face. "What do you mean?"

"I think I know what's going on," Sebastian spoke up. "I think I know why he acted the way he did. And I'd like to help."

Nathan looked ridiculously relieved. "You do? You'd help?"

"Of course. I can't sit by when I know I could help," Sebastian admitted, rather self-consciously.

He laughed out of pure relief, head falling back. "Matt, I might need to steal your boyfriend."

Matt pouted, wrapping his arms around Sebastian. "My future husband," he said possessively. He immediately went red as he realized what he had said. "Um, that just slipped out. Okay."

Sebastian chuckled, blushing faintly as well. "I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me now."

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