CXIV. En El Que Luchan

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Nick had never been happier to get back to Dalton. It was nearly impossible to be alone there. He had loved his stay at Jeff's, don't get him wrong, but he was looking forwards to being somewhere where people would just pass him by. There was constant attention at the Sterling's.

It really explained a lot about Jeff.

They were the second ones back, Wes and David already there. Sebastian and Matt were a close third.

"So, how was your guys' break?" Jeff asked.

Wes smiled softly. "Eventful."

David chuckled. "He met my parents. They absolutely loved him, of course."

"My weekend was also eventful, considering my parents were caught redhanded," Nick said.

"Finally," Sebastian said exasperatedly. "It took them long enough. The law enforcement really is clueless, isn't it?"

Matt smacked his shoulder. "Watch it."

"Your brother is a law enforcement officer in training," he pointed out.

"Yeah, but without those clueless law enforcers you'd still be getting your ass kicked in France," Matt snapped.

It shocked the others, wondering how he could talk to his boyfriend like that, but Sebastian just shrugged. "Touché. Anyone know where Thad and Klaine are?"

"I don't know, I think Blaine went back to Lima with Kurt. It is a ways out," David said.

Nick was about to say something, but stopped when he heard voices.

"–told you, I'm not going through that!"

He glanced around at the others. Guess they found Thad.

"She was just startled, give her another chance, please."

"She doesn't seem like she's going to recover anytime soon."

"You don't know that. Please, little brother–"

"You shouldn't call me that anymore if you're so eager to please her. Little sister, maybe?"

"Please, just–"

"Elise, perhaps?"

"Thad, please don't–"

"God forbid you do anything to accept my identity, no, because she was startled. Because she needs time. ¡Ella tomó su maldita hora!"
(She took her damn time!)

"She hasn't been here in a long time, a lot has changed."

"And who's fucking fault is that?"

"¡No es como si ella tenía una opción!"
(It's not like she had a choice!)

"Yeah, of course she didn't have a choice. Because she had absolutely no say in that. Do you even know how long I kept up that fucking 'el viaje de negocios' lie?"
(Business trip)

"You were too young-"

"I'm not now! You– you and dad both– you made me lie to my friends. You know, the ones who never lie to each other? You know, the ones who actually trust me?"

"Well, it's not like you gave us time! ¡Tienes todo deprimido antes de que pudiéramos decirte! ¡Intentaste matarte tan pronto como tuvieras edad suficiente!"
(You got all fucking depressed before we could tell you! You tried to off yourself as soon as you were old enough!)

"¿Crees que elegí hacer eso? ¡Yo era jodido!"
(You think I chose to do that? I was fucked up!)

"¡Ella no eligió dejarnos!"
(She didn't chose to leave us!)

"¡Pero ella sabía lo que hizo haría que ella nos deje!"
(But she knew what she did would make her leave us!)

The yelling got so intense and overlapped so much that they couldn't even make out the words, Spanish or English. All they knew was that Thad and Ryan were fighting about someone.

"Should we stop them?" Jeff asked.

"Probably," Nick answered.

Wes shook his head. "I'm staying out of this."

"That's probably smart," David agreed.

"Yeah, not about to get in the middle of that," Matt said.

Jeff, Nick, and Sebastian went out into the hall to see where they were. They were just inside the doorway of a hallway that lead... Well, wherever it lead, both red in the face.

"Guys," Jeff said. They didn't hear him. "Guys! Break it up!"

They still didn't hear him. He kept attempting until Sebastian cut him off, shouting at the two.

"Vous avez tous les deux besoin de fermer vos putains de bouches!"

They both stopped, clearly having blocked out English but not French. Thad crossed his arms. "¿Qué?" he asked harshly.

"You both need to shut your fucking mouths," Sebastian repeated, in English this time. "That's what. We can all hear you yelling, and you need to settle this civilly."

Thad shot a glare at Ryan. "Fine. Here's as civil as it's gonna get. You talk some sense into her if you're so sure it can be done, and don't talk to me until one of you changes your mind."

With that he stormed out, towards the dorms. They all had a feeling they wouldn't see him out of a book for a while.

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