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Thad was beginning to regret scheduling his appointment so soon.

When he woke up on the day of it, he couldn't be more nervous. He realized later that he forgot to take his meds.

He headed down to the dining hall, seeing it practically empty. There were about five people in there, including Sebastian and Matt.

He sat down across from them, but they were too deep in argument to notice him.

"It's just one cup."

"Do you know how bad caffeine is for you? It'll cause your already high blood pressure to spike."

"Coffee owns my soul at this point. I can't live without it."

"You can, and you will. Have tea or something."

"I'm French, not British."

"Come on. Please?"

"Your pout doesn't work on me."

"But you have to admit that I'm cute."

"You're adorable. Too adorable to have a heart attack."

"Damn it, that backfired."

"Morning," Thad said.

They both looked over to him. "Oh, hi! How long have you been there?" Matt asked sheepishly.

"Long enough to know that coffee owns Sebastian's soul."

Sebastian frowned. "What's wrong? Normally you wouldn't be able to say that with a straight face."

Thad sighed, resting his head on his fist. "I'm leaving again today."

Matt winced. "You don't like needles, do you?"

Thad sat up abruptly. "What?"

Matt's eyes widened. "Sorry, I just kinda guessed."

"You guessed what?" Thad asked cautiously.

"Um, T shot?"

Sebastian was confused, but Thad seemed to know exactly what he was talking about. "How do you know?" he half-whispered, looking afraid.

"I'm just astute." Matt took Thad's hand that was resting on the table. "It's going to be okay, man. It's worth it in the long run."

"I'm just scared," he said softly.

"It's terrifying, I know. It hurts just the same as a flu shot, and you'll be sore afterwards, I'm not going to lie. But just think about what you're doing, and it's worth it."

"What size is the- the needle?"

"It's a bit bigger than a flu shot, because it's a thicker fluid. But you'll be fine."

Thad nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I can do this."

Matt grinned, letting go of his hand. "That's what I like to hear."

"I should get going. Thank you. That helped a lot," Thad said.

"Go get 'em, man."

Thad turned, but Matt could see his grin as he left the dining hall.

"What's a T shot and how do you know so much about it?" Sebastian asked curiously.

Matt blinked in surprise. "I forgot you were here. It's a testosterone shot. You know, the male hormone?"

"I know what it is, you just didn't answer my second question."

Matt shrugged. "I told you, my brother's a doctor."

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