CI. The Uncles Ship It

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"Matt, are you– the fuck?"

Nathan chuckled quietly, trying not to wake them up. "Jason, come here. We need better security," he said softly.

Jason walked over, stifling laughter. "Do we wake them up?"

"Nah, do you know how hard it is for pregnant people to sleep? We can embarrass them later. But, like, there isn't even a car out there," Nathan said.

"Yeah... Let me just–" Jason pulled out his camera, taking a picture. "I'm going to whip that out at their wedding."

Nathan bit back a laugh and pulled the door in so it was almost shut. "They're the cutest couple I've ever seen."



Matt yawned, blinking his eyes open tiredly.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Sebastian teased, kissing him on the forehead.

He smiled. "Morning. I still can't believe you came all the way over here just so I could sleep."

"You need rest. I would do anything for you, I think we've established that."

He yawned again. "I love you."

"I love you too. You know what else I love?"



Matt laughed, pushing himself into a sitting position. "Come on, let's go eat."

Sebastian sat up as well.

"What are you so smily about?" Matt asked, seeing his grin.

"You're wearing my sweatshirt."

"Mhm, I think it's mine now." Matt kissed him on the nose. "I just realized, my brothers don't know you're here."

Sebastian yawned, stretching. "Yeah they do. Nathan came in to ask if you were awake but cut himself off when he saw me."

Matt blushed. "They're never going to let me live this down, are they?"

"I wouldn't."

Matt got dressed and they headed downstairs. Sebastian was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, so he was practically already dressed.

"Morning, lovebirds," Nathan, who was making pancakes, said as they walked in.

Matt reddened and Sebastian chuckled. "Good morning."

"Okay, it's great to see you, but how the hell did you get in our house?" Jason asked.

Sebastian laughed. "Matt let me in. Don't worry, your security is fine."

"I never heard the door open," Nathan said, confused.

"Sebastian's just so extra he had to enter using the window," Matt chuckled.

"That's, like, some Romeo and Juliet level shit," Jason said, looking mildly impressed.

Sebastian gestured to him. "See? It's romantic. Besides, I didn't want to wake anyone else up. If you heard me knock on the front door, they would too."

"Is that why you parked so far away? 'Cause I didn't see a car."

"Oh, I didn't drive," he said nonchalantly.

Matt turned to look at him. "Wait, you walked here from your house in the dead of night, climbed a tree, and entered through a second-story window because I couldn't sleep?"

Sebastian thought for a minute before nodding. "Yep, pretty much."

Nathan and Jason shared a look. It was mostly relief that they didn't have to worry about who Matt might date and what kind of people they would be. It was also a silent agreement, some kind of unspoken promise.

He's the one. I will go down with this ship.

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