XXX. Okay That's Just Sweet

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Thad weaved through the crowd to get to Ryan. "Come on, little brother," Ryan said, ruffling his hair when he finally got there.

Thad laughed. "You try to maneuver through this crowd."

"I have crutches, it's easy. It's like letting a child pass through a crowd but not an adult."

"True. Well, lead us out then."

Ryan did just that, and they walked across the parking lot to his car. He opened the door and sat in the driver's seat, throwing his crutches across the backseats.

After he put their bags in the back Thad got into the passenger's side, looking back at the crutches. "You're going to regret that when you have to get out."

Ryan paused. "Oh. Damn." He looked over at Thad. "Help a crippled brother out?"

Thad chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Of course."

Ryan started the car and they headed home, both excited to see the look on their father's face.

"Do you think he just assumed we'd want to stay at Dalton for Christmas or something?" Ryan asked.

"That or he was planning on surprising us. If so, we just messed that up." Thad chuckled.

When they got there, Thad got Ryan's crutches for him and they grabbed their bags.

They walked up to the front door, Thad ringing the doorbell instead of Ryan unlocking it.

The door opened, and they could actually see his expression rise as he saw them.

"Hello, dad-who-is-not-spending-Christmas-alone," Thad greeted.

Overwhelmed, he just hugged them.

"Careful, you'll re-tear my ACL," Ryan joked.

"You guys came back for me?" he asked, eyes watering.

Thad grinned. "Of course. It's not Christmas without you."

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