LXXVIII. Okay, But That Would Be Weird, Though

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"Guys, fucking guess what."

"What?" Nick asked.

"Okay. What's the last thing you'd expect happening?" Sebastian asked.

"Blaine and Thad having sex."

Everyone turned and looked at Jeff, who shrugged. "I'm being honest here."

"You just answered so quickly, like you were prepared," Blaine said.

"Yeah, what the hell man?" Thad asked. "Do you, like, think about this?"

"I think Blaine and Kurt are the only ones that are allowed to think about Blaine having sex."

"No, I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Like, obviously someone having sex with Thad, because he's asexual, and the other person being one of us, because we're all in relationships."

Thad shrugged. "Or Hunter, because he's an ass."

Sebastian pointed to him. "I was waiting for his name to come up! Guess what happened after lacrosse practice? You'll never guess."

"Then tell us."

"Okay. So, Blake's waiting for Sawyer like any other day, right? But the second Sawyer glances in, you know, to see if he's there, Blake just fucking kisses Hunter."

"He kissed him? Hunter?" Nick asked incredulously.

"Just jammed their lips together. And Sawyer quickly leaves, you know, just in time for Hunter to shove Blake off of him. He's like 'what the hell, man' and Blake just looks over at the doorway Sawyer just left from, smirks, and says 'thank you for that.' Then he just leaves."

They were all a mixture of disgusted and horrified. "Who does that?" Jeff asked.

"Someone who wants to make someone jealous and isn't afraid to fuck with Hunter," Sebastian said.

They were quiet for a minute.

"Did Hunter look okay?" Kurt asked, voice barely heard.

"I'm sorry, what? Since when do you care about the asshole?" Sebastian asked in disbelief.

"I don't, I just..." Kurt bit his lip. "Nothing."

He looked down at the ground and they realized how pale and shaky he looked.

"Kurt, what's wrong?" Blaine asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, I'm fine. Just forget I said anything."

"He did look fine, though. To answer your question. Just irritated and confused," Sebastian said, tone much softer.

Kurt nodded, though he didn't look up from the floor.

Jeff cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence and taking attention off of Kurt, who looked uncomfortable. "I have a question for Mattan–"

"Mattan?" Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You and Matt," Jeff said, as if it was obvious.

Matt laughed. "Alright, what's the question?"

"What the fuck is going on and how do we help?"

Matt's smile slowly faded.

"You can help by stopping bugging us about it," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, it's okay. Just..." Matt sighed. "We'll explain it eventually, okay? Just... just not right now. And you can't really do anything."

Jeff nodded. "But it's not urgent? Like, nobody's dying?"

Matt laughed. "Nobody's dying, Jeff."

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