XXXVIII. How To Pick Up Guys: Fall On Them

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Jay was grinning like a fool when they pulled up to the ice rink. He loved ice skating.

They all rented skates, sitting on the benches around the rink as they put them on.

Emma hovered outside the ice apprehensively. "Maybe this was a bad idea."

"I believe in you," Jay said, standing in front of her and stretching out his hands. "Hold onto my hands and I'll guide you."

She looked up at him nervously, gently setting her hands in his and stepping onto the ice.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

He started the skate backwards, and she followed the movement his feet were making.

After a few minutes he started speed up, and Emma was laughing and looking scared at the same time. "We're gonna fall!"

"Only if someone runs into us," he replied.

Then he let go of one of her hands.

"What are you doing? I'm not as skilled as you yet!"

"I believe in you. I'm going to let go of your other hand, and you are going to skate like the goddess you are, okay? Ready?"

She laughed. "I guess!"

He let go of her other hand and she kept skating. She giggled. "Oh my god, I'm ice skating!"

"I told you you could do it."

Jay grinned, watching her skate around the rink.

"Ready?" Jeff asked Nick, who was nervously standing on the ice and holding the railing.

"No," Nick said.

Jeff chuckled. "Come on, you've got this."

Nick bit his lip, nodding. "Why not? Let's go."

Jeff grinned, taking his hand. Before they started skating, there was a clatter from the other side of the rink. They immediately looked over.

Jay was on the ice– not 'on the ice,' but physically laying on the ice– and someone else was on top of him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," the stranger said, getting off of him. "I'm an absolute klutz, I should come with a 'Caution: Klutz' sign just to warn people-"

Jay cut him off, chuckling. "It's fine, hun. It happens." He stood back up, helping the stranger up too.

"Me, ice, and blades was not a good idea," he mumbled.

Jay laughing. "What's your name?"


"Well, Kyle, would you like a bit of help? I'd say I'm pretty good."

"He's humble, he should be an Olympian!" Sarah, who was skating past, called over her shoulder.

Jay shook his head. "She's ridiculous, I can't even do a triple axel."

Kyle chuckled. "I'd love some help."

That morning was filled with laughing, slipping, and falling down a lot for all of them.

They got off of the rink, faces pink from laughter and the cold.

"I don't think I've ever fallen down that many times in one day," Nick said, laughing. "That was awesome."

Jeff grinned, wrapping his arm around Nick. "I knew you'd like it."

"Somebody's pretty quiet," Sarah teased, knocking her shoulder into Jay's. "Please tell me you got his number."

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