CXXXI. He Was Totally Texting And Driving.

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Uncle Polished, Uncle Edgy

Guess whaaaaat

UE You learned how to use
a condom? About time.

Woah, okay, guess you're
not too excited to be an uncle

UP I am 100% going to be
the cool uncle

UP What's going on?

Psh, as if I'd tell you over
text. Let's just say that we
know the exact name of your
future niece/nephew... And if
you have a niece or nephew.


Sure, now he's glad I'm pregnant

UP I'm going to be there as
soon as I can

UP Screw college

UP Imma be an uncle

UP I'm going to be the uncle
of what has to be the world's
cutest child

I certainly hope you aren't texting
and driving, you have to set a good example for the children

UP Of course not... Pshh


Hopefully (;

UP Oh god you scared
me I thought you had
twins for a minute

I would have known that a
long time ago, you dork. But
seriously. Get off your phone.

UP I'm using Siri, I
don't text and drive

UP That's how people die,
I'm not an idiot

UP But I'll stop now, I don't
want you to be stressed

You were totally texting and driving.

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