CIX. They're Allies!

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He couldn't explain the feeling. First his heart dropped, or at least he thought it did. He realized that it hadn't when it began to attempt to beat out of his chest.

His emotions went from numb, to shocked, to panicked, to worried.

It was his worry that took him running over to them. "Are you okay?" he asked immediately, before they could even think about talking.

"Are we okay?" Jenna repeated, confused.

"Yes, are you okay?" Wes asked again.

"We're fine, Wes. Your end of the phone call was rather... worrying, so we followed you. Now tell me what's going on here."

Without the hesitation they expected, Wes did exactly that. Starting at the trial, ending where they were. He summarized it, not putting in every detail. Especially that Nick was gay, as monumental a role it played in the situation. He didn't know how they'd react.

They both looked stunned.

Then Jenna hugged him. He tensed up for a moment, surprised. A memory he didn't know he still had flooded through his head.

He put out his hand, but the blonde disregarded it. He... wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close.
He was lost. Soon the blonde pulled away, chuckling. "You look so confused, Wes."
"I like it as a nickname for you."
He nodded slowly. This was not what he expected at all at Dalton. "Um, what was that?"
The blonde chuckled again. "It's a hug. It's kind of how I greet people; handshakes are always so formal."
"A hug?"

He found himself hugging back. When they broke apart Chloe hugged him too, a much shorter one.

"That's absolutely awful, I'm so sorry," Jenna said.

Wes smiled softly, shrugging. "At least it's all sorted out now."

They all turned at the sound of an engine, seeing a car pull up against the curb. Wes chuckled, recognizing the car.

Nick recognized it too. "Jeffrey Sterling, you're ridiculous!" he called as the engine shut off.

The door opened and there was practically a blur, Jeff hugging Nick before they knew it.

First Wes chuckled, then his heart sank as he realized what was about to happen. They'd been reunited, the had been worried about each other, and they had no shame.

Sure enough, they kissed. Not a short one, where you could think your eyes were playing tricks on you. A long, passionate one, where you were scared for the other's life.

Wes awkwardly shifted away from the girls, not sure how they would react. He didn't want to be in another homophobic family.

"Aw, they're so cute," Jenna cooed, putting a hand over her heart.

Chloe laughed softly. "They are pretty adorable," she agreed.

Part of Wes couldn't believe it. The other part was just happy.

They were allies.

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