CXXXIV. A Proposal

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He looked up, distracted. "Hm?"

Matt's smile disappeared as he saw the look on his face. He sat next to him. "Kurt, what's wrong?"

Kurt shook his head. "It's nothing."

"It's never nothing. C'mon, what's going on?"

"Just... I was looking for Hunter, I wanted to talk to him. But instead I ran into Eliah. He... Well, he basically told me Hunter was okay and told me to f-off."

"Why were you looking for Hunter?"

Kurt shook his head. "I just, I owe him my life, Matt. I guess I want to repay that and not have it hanging over me." He paused. "But, anyway, what were you going to tell me?"

His smiled returned, and he glanced around the commons. "Okay," he said quietly, "I know you know about the whole thing with me and Sebastian– I don't know how, but I know that you know– and, well, first of all, I appreciate you covering for us. Second of all... It's a girl."

Kurt looked absolutely stunned and excited. "Oh my god, Matt!" he exclaimed, hugging him. "Do you– do you have a name, or ideas, or–?"

"Charlotte Grace," he responded, making Kurt's smile even wider.

"Oh my god, it's so cute, I– you two are going to have the cutest little girl, I swear."

Matt smiled. "You think so?"

"I know so. God, I can't– I can't even imagine," Kurt said, overwhelmed. "How far along are you?"

"Around twenty weeks."

"Twenty weeks? But it..." Kurt's eyes widened. "Oh, my god, the New Years party. You little–" he smacked a giggling Matt on the shoulder.

"I love how it took you a minute to realize that. And there's something Sebastian and I have been talking about. You know, if we unable, who would take care of her."

Kurt gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. "Godparents? Oh my god, do you know who it's going to be?"

Matt chuckled. "We'd like you to be her godfather, Kurt."

He looked absolutely stunned, his eyes beginning to water. "You– I– Yes! Oh my god, yes!" Kurt squealed, hugging him. "A thousand times yes!"

He laughed, hugging Kurt back. "I was hoping you'd say that."

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