1//Something no one knows

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Todoroki's POV

It's 2:29 pm. It's been almost 5 months since I started self-harming. I've been attending UA, and the dorm system has been put in place. I visit my mother at the hospital. But even that doesn't distract me from the voices in my head that keep me up at night and haunt me during the day.

She hates you

Just look at yourself

You're a weakling

Why don't you kill yourself

I try to ignore them but they only get louder and LOUDER. Before I know it my hand is reaching out for my razor blade. I slice my skin open and watch how my blood slowly spills on to the floor making pools of blood.

That's when I was interrupted by knocking in the door. As I sat on the floor, I slowly turned my head to look at the door. A soft and sweet voice started calling for me, I realized it was Midoriya.

"Coming," I said and started cleaning the blood from the floor and pulling my sleeves down.

I opened the door to see a smiling freckled boy standing there

"Midoriya?" I say trying not to worry him about why I didn't open quicker.

"Hi Todoroki, I was wondering if you'd like to go eat at the new buffet some streets from here"

"Sure, let me just change"

I closed the door so Midoriya wouldn't see me put some bandages on and change into a new long sleeve shirt. I look at myself in the mirror, I hope he doesn't notice the eye bags my lack of sleep have caused. I only accepted to go because I think I might have a little crush on him and he makes me feel happy in some way.

I opened the door he was standing against the wall until he noticed I came out "Oh Todoroki, you're ready?!"

I nodded and we started to head to the buffet.

Midoriya's POV

It took Todoroki a while to open the door when I knocked, I wonder what was he doing. I observed him as we make our way to the buffet. He looks a little pale and sleep-deprived, there must be something going on. I wish I knew.

I stopped walking to ask Todoroki what is going on with him. Todoroki noticed and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"THAT'S WHAT I WANTED TO ASK YOU" omg did I just yell that?

"You've been in your dorm all this time, and when you come out you look like you haven't been sleeping. You think I haven't noticed, but I have. Please tell me what's wrong. I care for you, and I want to help you."

Todoroki's POV

Midoriya looks really worried I can't stand seeing him like that. Then the voices come back.

You're hurting him.

What are you doing?

Can't you do something right?

"Todoroki, answer me"

"I...I..." I can't even talk, I gave him a cold stare and decided to show him. I started to pull my sleeves up slowly. I could see the expression in his face go from worried to shocked.

No one knows about my depression, but now Midoriya does.

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now