35//Won't let go!

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"I don't want to feel...."

The door opened and it was....


Why is he here? I told everyone to get out and to leave me alone.

"Bastard you have to stop. Do you know how the fucking nerd is worried? He doesn't know how to help! He's scared for you!"


He stood against the wall and I looked away...

"Why can't everyone just leave me alone, I... I'm a lost case...."

"The fuck you say! You have two quirks! You have money! You have a bunch of extras that care for you! You are one of the strongest in the class! And you say your a lost case! Just because you feel that way it doesn't mean it's true!"

He walked towards me and grabbed my face, and turned my head to face him.

"You stop this bastard! Just because some bastards are after you, it doesn't mean you should give in to them!"

W..why Is he saying this to me...

I started to cry hard, is...is that how everyone sees me...

"I HATE THIS FEELING! No one knows what I've been through!" I started to cry even harder and shaking....

I suddenly felt Bakugou's arms wrapped around me....

"I know, but we're going to get you help, okay? So just help us by not doing anything to yourself okay"

I hugged him back, "I'll try..."



Midoriya's POV

We got to Shoto's dorm and Recovery Girl had already cleaned the blood.

"What happened?" All Might asked her.

"He washed his sheets and clothes."

"Wait, did you call us to tell us that!"

"All Might think, why would he do that when he just came from school in the morning?"

W.. wait....

Did... He....

"You aren't assuming someone abused him r.. right?" All Might said, and I looked down.

"Everything seems that way, even the window was forced..."

"N..no, it can't be! I..it was the hoodie guy!"

He did it again, that's why he made everyone leave....

He when through that, and I wasn't there....

"I'm leaving!"

I started to run back to the hospital. I'll use one for all to get there fast, maybe I'll see the guy. If I do, I'll beat him up and send him to jail.


I ignored All Might and headed to the hospital, why...


Why did this happen to Shoto

Tears ran down my eyes, and with the wind made them fly away and dry.

"So, how is Shoto?"

I suddenly stopped at the voice behind me, it's him...

"You shit! How could you do that to him!"

I grabbed him from the collar, and then I saw his face ....

He had a big scar in his eye...

"Heh Todo did that"

I grabbed him even harder, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT! WHAT DO YOU WANT!"

"Look at the innocent Deku. The caring, beautiful, and cute Deku yelling and grabbing me like that. How awesome."


"Heh okay then, I'm Soul Thief's brother and I'm going to avenge her. Shoto gave me this scar on my face in that room and more so he'll pay for it"

He gave me a evil grin. This is my chance to send him to jail.

"And I'm not done with Shoto yet either" he said.

I activated my quirk and punched him, w.. what? Why didn't it won't!

"My quirk cancels quirks, and I've been updating it so I can do more than you can imagine!"

I let go and stood my ground, still ready to fight.

"I won't let you go!"

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now