7//Double danger

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Bakugou left, leaving Izu and me alone.

5 minutes later

Ding ding

Kirishima said he wants to go, we'll start heading out in 10 minutes.
Sent 11:53

Todoroki's POV

"Bakugou said he's coming in 10 minutes" I said while Izu leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Okay.... Honestly I'm surprised Kacchan found a lover. He wasn't really the type to have a lover."

"Well I thought I would never find love until I found you Izu. With my past, I thought it was a lost case for me. The hardest people can fall in love. You never know izu"

"Your right Shoto. I love you, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I love you too Izuku." We gave a small smile to each other, but of course Izuku looks cuter.

"HEY Midoriya bro!"

"Hey Kirishima, ready to head out?"

"Yes. It was hard convincing this explodo bro heh, he didn't really want to go."

We started to head to the buffet some streets away from UA, Izuku and Kirishima in front of Bakugou and me being the sunshines they are.

Bakugou had his eyes on Kirishima with the softest look.

At the buffet

We got a table, Izuku sat beside me and Kirishima and Bakugou sat together. We had a wonderful time. The sunshines doing what they're best at, making Bakugou and me soft and laugh.

Before we paid I stood up to go to the restroom, when screaming and running started. We got under the table so we could listen to what was happening.

"Todoroki~ where are you~ come out lovely"

Midoriya's POV

Shoto had a really scared look. Why was this villain looking for Shoto? Is it because of his father or his past?

I reached for Shoto's hand holding it tight."Everything is going to be alright" I whispered.

"TODOROKII~ where are you?!" The villain kept yelling, this might be the Soul Thief what are we supposed to do....

"We need to fight. We're heroes aren't we?!" Kirishima said trying to calm the situation.

We all got out from under the table and got ready to fight.

"OH Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki~~ omg y'all don't know how much I love y'all."

"Who the fuck are you!!"

"Oh Bakugou, that isn't the right question, but I'll answer it for you precious."

"I'm Soul Thief! And I'm taking all of you with me!"

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now