36//Not alone

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"I won't let you go!"

I'm standing in front of him, what to do...

He cancels quirks, then I can still fight without it right!

I ran towards him and punched him, while he was touching his face. I made him trip sliding my left leg under his feet.

I grabbed his hand his face with my hands and put one leg on top his legs and my other leg on his other hand. "Why...WHY! why did you do that to Sho!"


"Oh really, you don't know anything"

What's with this guy...

I want to beat him so back but then that would make me the Villain.


"Am I"


He started to get bright blue....

A strong wind blew me away, "I will keep torturing Shoto, just watch" he raised his arm and a big wave hit me, d..damn!

The guy left...

I stayed there for a while knocked out in the floor, this guy....

What is his goal with Shoto...

I need to get him...


I have to be with Sho all the time possible..

I stand up, and started walking to the hospital. If I'm planning on saving Sho I need to tell the police and ask for police to protect Sho.

This is too much, Sho is in danger...

I'll ask All Might and Aizawa to go to the police station with me.

I knocked on the door and Kacchan opened the door.

Sho looked at me and looked away, "Shoo!"

I ran to him and hugged him, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Sorry! I wasn't there for you, I wasn't there!"

I felt his arm with bandages wrap around me, "don't be sorry for me..."

"I'll leave" Kacchan said closing the door behind him.

"I know what happened to you! The guy what he did, I fought him coming here but he left. He's more powerful than what I thought..."

"Oh..." He took his hands off me and looked away again, why does he keep doing this...

"What's wrong.."

"I'm dirty... How do you keep staying after knowing that..."


"This isn't your fault! I'm supposed to be here for you and that's what I'm doing! I won't leave you alone!"

I grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

"I'm here.."

Tears started to fall from Sho's eyes, I would give so much to make him happy and have a normal life again...

"It's okay" I hugged him, he hugged me tighter and started to cry harder.

"I'm sorry! I will change I will try I don't want to make you worry!"


We stood hugging for a while until Shoto calmed down and felt better after crying.

"I love you Shoto" "I love you too Izu"

I sat in front of him, and got close to his face.

"I promise I won't leave you alone ever, I will stay by your side."

He looked at me in the eyes and then to my lips, I kissed him softly.

I can't live without him ever, I can't lose him....



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