49//The US!

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I woke up, I don't open my eyes I'm I scared to see where I am?

To live another day at home?

I suddenly felt a pain in the right side of my stomach, and in my head.


My chest tighten I felt like a useless garbage I couldn't do anything, I couldn't do anything at all.

The feeling of guilt and uselessness filled my chest, hot tears started to pour out of my eyes....

When a bot hand brushed thru my hair, what is this I opened my eyes quickly.


"Who are you!" I backed away against the wall, I don't remember much from yesterday what happened?!

"Thought you would recognize me" he looked down to the food he had brought and gave it to me, "eat up, you have to eat"

I took the food and stared at the food, do I really want to eat....

I eat a few spoons and stopped eating, D..dabi was organizing some clothing while I looked at him...

What does he was, why is he helping me...

I looked at his eyes, and suddenly I got many flashbacks of Toya...



He turned to see me with a smile in his face, "Am glad you remembered" I felt a huge relief but also sadness I started to tear up again, "W..why d.. did you leave!!"

"You you use to protect me! You showed me fire! You! I felt protected by you and you left!" Rainfalls started to pour out of my eyes.

I felt so empty my chest felt empty, my face I felt so empty, I put both of my hands in my face trying not to be seen or feel like this, suddenly Toya came and hugged me.

W..what is he doing...

"Am sorry, am sorry shoto you have no idea how I felt the day I left... But I promise you I won't leave anymore I will be here for you I won't be back but when you need me just call or text me okay.." he hugged me tighter what happened to him, was it the old man...

I hugged him back tightly, u can still remember his so clear when the old man would beat me, and I would hate fire he showed me fire...

How beautiful it could be and warm...

He was always there for me, "what happened how did you get with does villains"

I asked, i know he isn't the same person I know it, maybe he will turn aggressive right now he's a villain...

"I don't want to talk about that" he drift away from the hug and became cold, "the old man said you leave to the United States tomorrow morning, he said you will go to a hospital for therapy and the best school for hero's in the US at the same time for about 4 years."


No no I can't

I looked down to my fingers, and started to think in izuku what will happen!

Will I see him again, will we remember each other!!

I looked up at Toya, "I don't want to go to the US! I want to stay!"

He gave me a glare, "The old man already got your ticket, and one of his friends in the US will take care of you."

"Why didn't you tell his not too!" "Where is Fuyumi and Natsuo!"

"I need to see Izuku!" I started to get up ignoring the pain and getting ready.

Suddenly I was pushed aggressively back to the bed, ow...

I coughed a few times, "WHY WHY DON'T YOU LET ME GO!"

He old stared at me, and looked away with a emotionless face.

I pulled my knees to my chest, feeling worst each second that past.

"Look I didn't take this decision, the old man was you know you can't play that with him, so just go with it you think I don't know about you and that kid if he really loves you then he'll wait." I clenched his fist tightly and sat down in a chair next to my desk, I looked down to my legs, what is izuku finds someone else in that time...

"Where is Fuyumi and Natsuo..?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"There sleeping, they didn't have bad injuries you where the only one who had it worst." At least there okay, I hugged my knees tightly, I feel so weak..

I can't save anymore because of my stupid feelings of worthlessness and guilt.

"The old man in out right now but he will come anytime soon so I'll be going, if you ever need to talk to anyone in the US you can call me okay" he walked towards me and hugged me, and walked out the door waving goodbye.

I grabbed my phone from the desk, and saw the time, it's late already!

It's 4pm, I got up and decided to take a shower, I got in the bathroom and took my clothes of slowly trying not to hurt my injuries, I looked at myself in the mirror, my body is full of wounds and bruises.

I ignored it and got in the shower, I can't stop thinking of what will happen next in the US, alot can happen.

I stayed in the shower feeling the water falling in my face and body, I should text izuku...



I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel i wrapped it around my waist and grabbed my phone...

Should I tell izu...

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