6//Master Plan part 2

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Good morning sleeping beauty

That morning

Knock knock

Todoroki's POV

The knocking at the door woke me up. I went to open the door.

"Young Todoroki, I was looking for you in your dorm."

"Sorry, I fell asleep in Izuku's dorm."

"I see, well come to the common area and get Young Bakugou and Midoriya"


I closed the door and went to wake up Izuku.

"Hey Izu, wake up. All Might wants to talk to us."

"Mmmh again?"


Izuku sat up and rubbed his eyes to finally wake up

"Oh okay, good morning Shoto"

"Good morning Izuku."

"I'll go change to my dorm now, before everyone else wakes up."



"I bought these hoodies some weeks ago for your birthday, but I think I want to give it to you now. I was.... I was supposed to confess to you on your birthday. They are matching hoodies, but...but I don't know if you want it."

Izuku looked so nervous his face was red. Cute. "I would love it, I'll take the red one."

"Omg yay, I'll have the green one!"

"Izuku do you want to change in my dorm..?"

"Sure Shoto!"

Midoriya's POV

I grabbed some black pants, socks and shoes, and we started walking to Todoroki's dorm. When we got there we started changing.

I saw Todoroki's bandages, but I ignored it. He started taking his shirt off, OMFG he's... he's h..hot.

WHAT AM I THINKING snap out of it Izuku. I slapped my face with both my hands.

"Are you okay Izuku?"

"Ah! Uh...y.. yeah I'll be o.. outside heh."


Todoroki's POV

I wonder what I did.....

I finished dressing and put my shoes on. I cleaned a drop of blood that was on the floor. It must have been from last time I cut.

I took off my bandages to see the cuts. They're still recent, but whatever. These bandages are bothering me, so I'll just take them off.

I came out, to go with Izuku.

"Oh hey, the hoodie looks good on you Shoto"

"Thanks, you look cute."

"T.. thanks l.. let's go get Kacchan."

We walked to Bakugou's dorm and knocked his door. He agressively opened the door.

"What the fuck do you all want!"

He really looked tired. Wow he must've been pretty busy in there (lol he was beating kirishima up ok)

"All Might needs us."

"Okay, wait the fuck here."

Me and Izuku looked at each other and started giggling about Bakugou's ways, until he came out.

*Cough* *cough*

"What are you weirdos coughing at, let's fucking go."

We started walking to the living room but meanwhile I had to ask Bakugou....

"So... What were you doing in your dorm?"

"Tsk, nothing of your business."

I could see a small laugh while he turned his face.

"Young men, sit down."

Time skip because he's going to repeat what he told Midoriya and Bakugou.

"So when is the master plan going to happen?" Izuku asked nervously.

"Next week we're going to Tokyo. The three of you are going to have a room by yourself in a hotel, for now we're going to gather more information. On Thursday we meet at the meeting room in UA, just remember to take it easy."

"Okay" I said, All Might started to leave and we stood still in the common area.

"So you and Deku are dating?"

"Yeah, how about you and Kirishima?"

"S..shut up I didn't ask you to ask me.....
Y.. yes we are...."

"Hey we should have a double date! Kacchan with Kirishima, Shoto and me at the new buffet!?" Izuku looked too bright, how could I say no? But then I'll have to eat there....

"I'll ask Kirishima, I'll text half n half bastard."

Bakugou left, leaving Izu and me alone.

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now