47//Beloved one

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"How about Tomi or Mito?"

"Why does specifically?"

He looked at me, "it's what out last names make, if you take To from mine and put Mi from yours"

"Then.... Shouldn't we give him a name that has a meaning behind it ... Like Aiko... It means little love or beloved one..." I looked at him with a smile.

"And you're my beloved one.... "

I could see him blush lightly when he looked over at me, but he looked down fast," I.... I like that..." He pet the kitty while talking.

"Then Aiko it is"

The kitty got down from the bench and sat next to shoto's, left leg...

"I think he likes your warm side" I giggled

"I guess he does"

We holded hands, and started to walk around the park, "hey sho, what will happen from now on.... You're father what will he do... Will we see each other again or soon.."

Todoroki's POV

What is he talking about...

There's no way I wouldn't see him again..

"Don't think that, even if something happens I won't forget you, we will be together again."

We walked over to a tree and sat together, izuku brushing my hair with his fingers.

I turned around to him, "izuku am sorry for making you worry all this time, ever since day one... In the sport festival, I act like a bastar-" I was interrupt by his soft lips...

"Don't say that~" he continued to kiss me, and I kissed him back.

If anything happens, my heart has a home...

We will always come back to each other...


Suddenly Aiko started to scratch me, we separated and started to laugh, " Are you jealous"

Aiko jumped to my and izuku's lap and started to lick my hand, "I think he wants you to sho" izuku laugh

"But I only want you izu~"

Aiko scratched me again, "hey you, fine I want you to" I started to tickled Aiko, while izu was giggling.

"Izu didn't you say you had a cat named Ginger..." I said while petting Aiko.

"Yeah I did but it... Died..." He looked kinda sad he even looked down...

"What happened to it.... Am sorry for asking..."

"It's ok! Well I was in middle school with kacchan it was our second year... Once he and his friends found me with ginger in a park...." He started to look even sadder, Bakugou used to be worst than now wasn't he...

"I got scared and started to talk fast away from the park with ginger, when I got close to some buildings.... That's when kacchan and his friends grabbed me from my neck and slammed me against the wall and g..ginger fell..." Is he tearing up, I got close to him and hugged him he not as strong as he seems to be.

"I... I... Couldn't do anything, kacchan's friends started to kick Ginger in front of me! I couldn't do anything! When they stopped they told kacchan, they thought they killed ginger... And Kacchan screamed at them why they'd kill a cat who wasn't fucking with them..." He hugged me tighter, he was so scared in the past...

"Kacchan let go of me, and kicked me once and left mad at all his friends... I stood there against the wall... With ginger in my arms.. ginger was the only thing I had..." I looked at him and kissed his forehead, but now am here and Aiko too okay that won't happen every again...

"I know, am glad you're here!" He wapped his tears away and smiled, Aiko walked to his lap and cuddled around his arm.


We talked for a while laughed and played with Aiko, I seem to fall for izuku more each day... My heart beats fast when I look at him...

I really did find my other half...

"It's getting dark, sho we should get going.." he looked up to the sky, it is getting dark but I don't want this to end...

After this will I feel empty and alone again...?



We walked all the way to my house it's dark now, and Aiko is in my arms "Here take care of Aiko..." I looked down...

I don't want to get in...

Izu, brushed his hand in my cheek, " it's going to be okay, I love you okay Aiko does to where going to be here for you..."

I looked at him and I tried no to tear up, "I..I love you to izu," izuku hugged me and kissed me, Aiko started to lick my cheek.

"Then I'll go now..." I started to walk to my door when suddenly izuku hugged me from behind...

I turned around to see him, "Please be okay! Take care I love you always remember that!"
He took out a necklace from his pocket...

He handed me the necklace, "my mom gave me this when I was younger when I was scared... I want you to have it so you remember when you're scared or anxious, that I love you..."

I looked at him and grabbed the necklace, " it's beautiful thanks..."

I stared at the necklace for some seconds, "can I put it on you!" Izuku said excited.

"Sure.." I turned around and got a bit low so izuku could reach, he put in on me and kissed my neck..

I froze, I could feel my face getting hot I covered my face, when suddenly izuku made me turn around getting me closer to him..

He moved my hand out of my face, "always remember I love you sho~"

He kissed my lips and I kissed him back, he slided his tongue and we continued to kiss, "I...I love you too izu~"

We kissed for a while until we heard Aiko staring at us, we separated for air and looked over at Aiko who was sitting in the ground below us.

We both smiled and giggled, "I have to go now.." I said sadly

"Okay.." he hold my hand and let go of it slowly when I walked away, before opening the door I smiled at him and waved good bye...

I opened the door and got in... Why is it so quite....

I guess am lucky today...

I walked to my room but I was stopped by Fuyumi and Natsuo who had bruises...

"Shoto, go to your room! And lock the door!" Natsuo started to push me to my room....

"Why! What happened! Hey!" He pushed me in my room making me fall, I got up and ran towards the door of my room but he locked it.

"Natsuo! What is happening!"

"It's for your safety! Father... He's gone drunk!"

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now