5//Master Plan

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"Young men I have to talk to both of you"

"W....What is it All might"


Midoriya's POV

"Sit down both of you."

"Is this about the villain Soul Thief?" I asked.

"Yes, the pro heroes and the police talked and we came to a conclusion that the villains are after three students in 1-A class. "

"Who is this fucker looking for?" He looked overwhelmed which is really rare of him.

"It isn't confirmed yet, but we have a theory it might be you young Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki."

"Then shouldn't Sho.... Todoroki be here too?!!"

"Forget about that fucking Deku the real question is why the fuck us..!"

"Young Todoroki will be informed tomorrow morning in his dorm, he's coming back this morning for his safety.... The theory was built by evidence found in the Villain's hide out. On the a wall there was something pointing to 1-A's class and pictures of the 3 of you."

"So what you're fucking trying to say is that he's been tracking us!!"

Don't we need a plan to capture the villain? If the villain got Tetsutetsu there has to be a reason. Villain Soul Thief; quirk body control, target three students in UA 1-A class, there isn't much known about him. Why are we the targets? And why did he take Tetsutetsu?..................

"OI fucking Deku shut it."

"Aaah sorry Kacchan I guess I still haven't gotten rid of old habits."

"Young Midoriya has a point, we don't know why y'all are the targets, but the reason I called both of you is because we need a plan to capture this villain using the three of you as prey."

"So what's the plan then?" Kacchan had a, how do I call it, evil grin. He's probably getting excited about this villain.

"So the plan is the three of you and I will have a press conference about the future hero generation, the place will be full of pro heroes dressed as normal citizens and news reporters, we hope Soul Thief will come. If he does, all the pro heroes, including me, will stop him."

"Are you sure the plan will go alright? I don't think the villain will just fall for that." I had a bad feeling about this but I had to suck it up, breath and think positive.

Later that day

Everyone was in the living room talking about the villain except Kacchan and me since we know more and don't want to mess up the plan. I checked my phone, I had a text from Shoto, with all the villain stuff going on I forgot to text him.

Hey, Izuku do you about the Soul Thief?
Sent 6:06pm

Yes, school is cancelled until Soul
Thief is captured
Sent 7:17pm

He's coming today wasn't he? I really miss him. I wonder how he's been feeling.

Btw shoto, how are you? (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Sent 7:19pm

1 hour earlier

Todoroki's POV

I'm still in my room trying to figure out what's up with this villain. Izuku hasn't replied or seen my messages, he must be busy.

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now