4//Soul thief who?!

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Todoroki's POV

I woke up in my room at my house, I looked around. I felt a bit dizzy as I slowly sat up, to think of what happened.

I can only remember a doctor putting some substance in me with a needle, and..... The kiss? That's all I could remember, everything else is still a blur.

I decided to go down stairs to eat something. When I opened the fridge there wasn't anything I wanted, so I closed it. I noticed a bag in the dinner table. I walked over to open it. There was a note from my sis.
"I bought some cold soba for you since it's your favorite Shoto. I know it's a lot, so save some of it for later. Natsuo and me are out for a week. -Love Fuyumi"

I sat in the dinner table and started eating, and thinking of what Natsuo and Fuyumi were doing this week. The note didn't say anything about it.

My thoughts were interrupted by the old man.

"Stop eating, you'll gain weight. No one wants a fat hero, be in the training room in 30 minutes."

"What about UA?"

"UA is going to be cancelled for safety, there's a villain around called Soul Thief."

"Oh." I wonder who the villain is. I'll search him up later. I looked back to my soba but it didn't look appetizing anymore. My stomach felt sick and I ran to the bathroom. I started throwing up in to the toilet. It felt gross, all that grease it's disgusting.

I washed my hands and cleaned my mouth. When I finished, I started to change in to some training clothes, and walked to the training room. After what happened in the sport festival, I've been able to use my left side. But it doesn't mean I've forgiven my father for what he did in the past. I could never do that.

I was standing in front of the old man "Ready?"

"Yeah whatever" and so we started to train.

Time skip

After the training I took a shower, and stood in front of the mirror seeing the injuries my old man gave me. I'm honestly not surprised. I walked to my bed and layed down, I grabbed my computer and searched the Soul Thief.

I found a website and read it "The soul thief is a villain hidden in the dark, no one has really seen him, it's only known that he can steal body's and souls...... "

I wonder if UA is really in danger. I need to text Izuku, he probably knows more.

Hey, Izuku have you heard of the soul thief?
Sent 6:06 pm

Earlier that day at UA

Midoriya's POV
(missed that cute broccoli boi)

Heading to UA, yesterday night Mr.Aizawa came to our dorms and told us to be ready tomorrow. All Might, Midnight and him had something important to tell the whole 1-A class.

It seems that something is happening, but is Shoto alright? I'll text him later after school.
(I'm hearing to let me down slowly by Alec Benjamin and I'm currently crying...)

I got to class and Uraraka came to me running.

"Deku-kun do you know what the sensei's have to say to us?!"

"U... Uraraka-san Um... No.... But it seems to be really important"

"Class get in your seats!!!!" Iida yelled across the room and everyone sat in there seats, but..... Shoto's seat was empty. Is he alright? Will he be okay?

Mr.Aizawa, All Might and Midnight entered the classroom but something was off.

"Listen carefully, because I am not repeating myself. There's a villain around UA. He's very dangerous so we decided to cancel school until this villain is captured" said Mr.Aizawa

"Who is this villain!!" Kaminari asked with an overwhelmed look.

"His villain name is soul thief, his real name is unknown" All might said with a confident voice "His quirk can steal bodies that is all that is known. The last time he was seen was yesterday night.........."

"He stole one of 1-B's student" said Midnight softly.

"WHO IS THIS STUDENT!!" Kirishima asked

"Tetsutetsu, he was taken away by the soul thief when he was heading to his dorm"

"WHATT!!!" The whole class started arguing and talking about what could Tetsutetsu be going through.

All Might and I kept making eye contact. I'm sure there's more to this, there has too be.

"Class quiet!! If you take news like this how are y'all supposed to be heroes?" questioned Mr.Aizawa.

"What's going to happen in the meantime while the heroes capture the villain?!" asked Iida.

"All students in UA are to stay in their dorms. If there's any news we, the teachers, will notify all students. Today is the last class day until the Villain is captured" Said All Might.

Later that day

The last class bell rang and all students were leaving. I was getting my stuff ready when All Might rushed to the door and stopped Kacchan and me

"Young men I have to have something important to tell both of you."

"W..... What is it All might?"


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