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He's so caring...


layed down on the couch, I feel sleepy...

I closed my eyes just to rest them, but i ended up falling asleep.

Midoriya's POV

I walked to the living room so see a show already sleeping in the couch, I put the popcorn down in the table and went over to sho.

"Hey sho..." I tapped his shoulder but he only moved his hand closer to his chest.

Isn't uncomfortable here...?

I carried him softly to make sure he wouldn't wake up, I walked to my room and layed him down.

I covered him with the blanket so he wouldn't be cold and kissed his forehead softly, "sweet dreams, sleeping beauty"

When I was about to leave he suddenly grabbed my hand, I looked at him, who had a little blush on his nose and cheeks....

"D.. don't l... leave m..me" he coughed a few times, is he sick?!

I came closer to him and touched his forehead, he's burning up!

"Sho lay down! Your sick...." Don't panic izuku your a pro hero....

"O.. okay..." He layed down putting his shoulder in his face.

I need to get some towels and water...

Maybe medicine....

No I need a doctor...

I stand up and grabbed some towels and water, when I came back sho was shaking...

How did this happen so fast he was alright some minutes ago..?

I put a towel on his forehead and covered his better in the blanket.

"I'll call a doctor.." I grabbed my phone and called my personal doctor.

Sho won't stop coughing....

An getting worried...

"Hello deku?!"

"Yes, doctor shun! Can you come to my house I need your help with someone"

"Okay I'll be there!"

"Thank you! Sorry for calling this late!"

It's almost morning....

Sho is really sick he has a fever and he's shaking... Coughing....

He said he was taking medicine... And about his eating disorder... But is it because of that...

"I..iz...izu...." He called me with struggles

"Am here sho!" I said walking closer to him.

(I don't feel so good)
"I.... I don't want to you t..to l ... leave.... I don't w... want to b..be a..alone..."

Why is he saying that, he's not alone

"Hey I won't go anywhere, am here okay!" I have to change his towel...

I changed it quickly, he's really sick...

Knock knock

I heard the door and ran towards it opening it. "You called pro hero deku"

"Shun please, come in! He's in my room!"
I leaned doctor shun to sho and he got close to him, and checked him.

"He's in a bad condition, when was his last meal?"

"I don't know, he just came from the US... Please do something... I don't want to lose him doctor shun!" I said behind doctor, he needs to do something... Am finally back with sho...

"Please wait in the living room, you might get sick if you stay here."

"I won't leave him!"

"It's better if you stay healthy! If you aren't then how do you plan in helping him!"

"Okay! But please do something...." I walked to the living room and sat down...

Just when I thought everything was alright...
I felt tears ran down my face...

Love hurts it really does....
It's also the best feeling...
It gives a bunch of challenges....
But in the end you get your happy ending...




Bip bip bipppp

Well at least that's what I was told.....

In reality love hurts....

And it leaves you empty....



Doctor shun came out of my room and I standed as fast as I could, " what happened is he okay!"

"He needs to go to a hospital now, his body is way to skinny, he has no vitamins if he continues like this he can die."

What die....

No he can't die...

"Am going to call an ambulance!" I grabbed my phone....



Love fills you with good memories....
Good moments....
The best feelings...

For what!

Do leave you empty?

To leave you alone?




I'm on the ambulance next to sho, he can berly keep his eyes open.

"Everything is going to be alright! Please stay with me sho!"

He coughed a few times, but it's getting worst he's starting to cough blood....

Why isn't he a immortal now!?!?

I guess he's human still.... He can live a long life with no end....

But it doesn't mean he can't die from sickness....



Crash clang crash



I gave you everything!

And you gave me a sorry!!



We are at the hospital running thru the halls, the doctor tells me to stop and wait outside, I can't do that!

I can't leave sho alone!

I walked to a seat, sat down.

Should I tell someone?

Kacchan? Uraraka? Kirishima? lida?

I looked at my phone, and tears fell down making small polls in the screen.

Why can't you just stay with me sho...

Why can't we just be happy...


Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now