58//Forever together

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( last chapter so enjoy ( ◜‿◝ )♡ )

"Where are we?"

He parked the car, and got off opening my door, Asai got off too and ran in the house.

I got off slowly, I still feel weak....

When I got of a rock almost made me trip but izu catched me, "Be careful" he softly kissed my forehead.

"Y.. yeah, but how long was I asleep...."

We started walking thru the land, im holding on izuku's arm for support.

"Three months...." He looked away, it was so long it feels like it was yesterday I was in the hospital....

"I'm sorry...." I don't even know what to say, and it's my fault he went thru that...

We walked to a bench, and he helped me sit down, "It's not your fault, yeah I was worried but because I love you sho" he said crouching down holding my hand to his chest.

"Sometimes I wish you didn't love me.... All these years it's been only trouble.... Hurting you... I really don't deserve you..." I looked down I don't deserve izuku, I really don't he stayed by my side all this time...

I wish he could be happy....

"Never say that again! You don't cause trouble! You deserve so much okay, and please help me... Help me make you happy sho... Sho haven't you had enough of being sad... Don't you want to be happy..." His eyes started to get watery, I can't stand seeing him like this...


How am I supposed to be... Happy....

"Am sorry izuku.... Am sorry!" I hugged izuku suddenly, I want a happy life! I want to be happy.

"Izuku, I.... I want to be happy! I want to be by your side forever! But.... I don't know... How...." Tears started to fall to Izuku's shoulders, I hugged him tighter.

"Just let me love you okay, let me teach you how to be happy we have all the time of the world anyways...." He hugged me back brushing one of his hands in my hair.

"Dad's!! Aiko won't stop chasing me!!" Asai ran towards us, we wiped out tears and looked over at Asai.

"Hey sweetie!" Izuku opened his arms and carried Asai in his arms.

"So Aiko is chasing you?"

"Yes! I was giving him food but when he finished he jumped on me! He's mean!" I could see izuku holding his laugh, while he kissed Asai's forehead.

"Then let's go inside! Are any of you hungry?" Izuku asked while reaching his hand to me, "let's go inside" I hold his hand, and we started walking inside.

"Sho, you asked where we're we, and this is our new home... I bought it a month ago for us it's a little away from the city but it's a great place and it's peaceful." He said looking at the house, holding my hand tighter.

"What happened to the other house?" He must had wasted alot of money...

"I sold it, and this house wasn't that expensive" He said while kissing Asai's cheek.

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now