52//something you didn't say

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(first if you're Yamileth skip this chapter thx)

(very spicy picture (ʘᴗʘ✿)

"My love for you only grew bigger sho..."

I looked at his eyes, his dark Emerald eyes...
And we interlocked our hands together.

"I love you izu..."

Izuku got closer to my neck and started kissing it, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He started to suck on my neck making me flinch, I covered my mouth trying to hold on from making any sound.

"Don't cover your mouth~" he moved my hand from my mouth and picked me up from the chair, against the wall.

He took off my shirt slowly, while kissing me "sho... You got Skinner..." He put his leg in between my legs against the wall and started to suck on my nipple.


I started to melt falling down but izuku had his leg between my legs, he pulled me closer to him, I ended up hanging from his leg against the wall.



He started to pull down my pants and boxers, "It's hard like mine~" he kissed me softly, and started stroking my member making me flinch and sending shivers down my spine.

I leaned my head against his shoulder, "ah~"
"I love you sho~"

"I..I love y..you too~" he took out his member and started stroking it too.


"I..I... I think am g.. going to~" He kissed me softly, "I know just hold on a minute"

He holded my tip, I hugged him from his neck softly, in the past I got raped and that's one of my traumas, I have no idea how I haven't freaked out right now.

I just know I feel safe in izuku's hands holding me....

"Let's do it together~" he kissed my neck releasing my tip, and a milky substance shooted from each other.

"H...how much time d..do we have left" I said softly leaning my head in his shoulder, "A few minutes, let me get you cleaned up" he kissed my head and picked me up and we both walked to the bathroom that was in the room.



We are waiting for the time to run up, we're sitting in the floor well at least izuku am laying down with my head in his lap, and he's playing with my hair.

"Izu.... Do you remember soul thief..." I asked, weird things happen these four years, things that wouldn't normally happen, maybe he knows something...

"Yeah, what's wrong with her?" He said putting some strand's of hair behind my ear.

"After she died helping me live, when ever I got injuries they would heal very fast, but lately when I injure myself it heals in less than a minute.... And all this years past and I haven't grown either... Maybe you know s..something?" What am I assuming he didn't say something, he lied or didn't say something to me after years...

"Immortal..." Immortal.... What is he saying...
I sat up and looked at him....

"What do you mean...?"

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now