57//A new life

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"i..is other d..dad diying..."

I got up and crouched down in front of her taking her hand on mine, her parents just died and now this.

"I can't hide it anymore, he's in a really bad condition and this might be his last hour Asai.... We have to go"

"I hope he doesn't die... I want to meet him..." She said while following me, getting out of the house.

"Sho...." Please don't die on me like this...



I grabbed Asai in my arms holding her head, and ran to shoto's room, the doctor didn't even mind anymore....

I got into the room, and sho looked even worst than before....

"Sh..sho..." I but Asai down and walked to sho.

"Sho you're going be alright..." I grabbed his hand on mine, and kissed it softly.

Todoroki POV

When izuku left, I already felt worst, how do I feel, I can feel how my body is curing the surgery.... But I feel cold... My head hasn't stop hurting... Am I going to die...

Izuku ran in with a little girl, but the little girl when she got in a bunch of little bright pink sparkles filled the room....

Am I the only one seen them....

Izuku grabbed my hand, I know am diying but I don't want to I really don't...

"I...izu...." I can't really talk, when ever I do my throat hurts, and I can feel iron burning.

"Am here sho!" Of course you are, you've always been....

"I...I don't want to d..die, I want to..to be w.. with you.." hot tears filled my eye, and running down, i closed my eyes tightly.

I don't, I want to marry sho I really do....

Why does bad things always happen to m.. me....

"Y..you won't die sho! You won't just stay okay!" I said holding my hand tighter, with his other hand he brushed my hair, and wiped my tears with his thumb.

"Look this is Asai, you know the little girl I talked about.." he turned to see her, I looked at her and gave a small smile....

"H..hi" I said but she looked down, maybe she doesn't like me.... Or maybe it's because am diying....

"Asai, come her" izuku tap on his lap for Asai to sit, Asai got up and looked at me.

"Are you other d..dad?" He looked at me.

Why does she leave a bunch of bright pink sparkles, is it because of her quirk, no she still doesn't manifest it, or has she already manifested it?

"I g.. guess I am" I looked at her softly, before coughing.

"Then.. please don't die... Dad will be sad I don't want you to die..." I can't even say anything...

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now