9//Love control

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(when I wrote the title for this chapter I thought birth control...)

At Soul Thief's place

Bakugou's POV

I woke up on a cold floor, I looked around and the room was all made of cement. There was only an old couch that was broken.

Half N half was still sleeping in the floor, tied just like me. I have to find a way out, that crazy soul bitch might come in anytime and I don't know what her goal is.


The door was unlocked, she's coming damn it...

"Good morning sunshines! Oh, Todoroki hasn't woken up yet, oh well here's breakfast!"

"What the hell do you want...?"

"Me! Nothing I just want to love y'all heh."
The girl had said with a damn big smile, fucking annoying...

Tsk, what is her goal? I can't overreact. I don't know much of her quirk and where would I run anyways...

"Todoroki~ Wake up babyyy!"
Why the hell does she call us nicknames like that...

Todoroki blinked a few times before fully opening his eyes, he sat up and looked around and stared at soul bitch.

"Why are we here..."
Todoroki said with a serious freaking face.

"Well, Todo I kinda fell in love... And I want you to stay with me..... forever..."

"L.. love..."

"Soul bitch! Are you stupid or what? Do you really think the pro heroes will let you do that!"

Fuck did I just tell that? Will she do anything? Fucking shit.

"Bakugou darling, don't underestimate me. I have more power than you think I have."

She closed her eyes and raised one hand I couldn't move my body... I started to move. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't control it. Tsk, fucking brat. My body was pushed by a strong force towards the wall, slamming my head against it. I slowly brought my hand to touch my head..... I.... I was bleeding I started to lose consciousness. I closed my eyes and went cold......f...fuck

Todoroki's POV

"Bakugou!! What do you think you're doing!!"
This is my fault, isn't it...

"Nothing at all baby, now where were we?"

This...this is my fault. He tried to protect me and this is what he got. It's all my fault...

"W...why are you doing this...why?"

"Doing what? Oh, Bakugou well he talks a lot don't you think?"

"Who are you...."

"Who am I? The person you will love. If you don't, Midoriya will pay the price~"


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