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"Look I have no time to explain if you want to save Todo" she looked at me in the eyes and I nodded.

"Okay I have 59 souls and I need one more, I've never brought people from the dead before, but this will be my chance."

"Make everyone back up, I have to release all the soul's!" I stand up and went to back up the rest of the class and Aizawa helped me.

"MIDORIYA! Come here!"

I ran to soul thief, how is she going to bring back shoto...

"W.. what is it? How are you going to do this?!"

"I will die after this, am giving him my soul too.... Here read this letter when you can, after everything happens, tell my brother I love him and please don't forget me..." She smiled giving me a letter.

"Wait! But what will happen to Tetsutetsu?!"

"He will live, am in his body yes but when I die my quirk will disappear making everything normal, also my name is Alister am sorry for everything" she continued smiling, then she looked down closing her eyes.

She put both hands in her chest, and suddenly she started flouting her body glowed bright blue, what is this....

A bunch of glowing sphere's came out of her chest, are does all the soul's....

I was standing behind her, when a bunch of wind started to blow me d..danm I covered my face with my arm standing firm on the floor.

Shoto started to flout slowly and glowing...

"I LOVE YOU TSUKI, PLEASE DON'T FORGET ME!" she screamed, and all the soul's that where dancing around her jumped to Shoto's chest.

His injury was healing!

Soul thief fell and one soul came out from her chest, it was glowing blue pink and purple....

Her body stopped glowing and the last soul jumped to sho....

Shoto started falling, I ran to catch him.


I cought him, and I looked at soul thief...

"You gave your life for sho.... I won't forget you ever... Thank you..."

"ALIS!! NO! NO! NO!"

Tsukishima ran to Alister freeing his self from Aizawa "HEY-"

He grabbed her wrapping her in his arms.

"ALIS! No your my baby sister no... You can do this why did you do this...."

Aizawa came and grabbed both mine and Tsukishima's shoulders, "let's go to recovery girl, also Tsukishima I need to talk to you"



At recovery girl

Shoto is breathing, Alister passed away....

I can't believe the love she had for shoto was this strong, she gave her life for sho...

She did more than I did...

I won't forget you Alister, your a true hero even if you where a villain, you are a hero to me.

Shoto hasn't woken up, Everyone in 1-A went to the dorms they talked to me a minute ago, they where surprised and scared.

Some of them couldn't even talk, but it's expected...

Shoto died and then lived again...

Aizawa is talking to Tsukishima, he's Alister's older brother.

He's 19 and Alister was 15.

Right now am sitting next to shoto, about Tetsutetsu he came back, and soul thief is in her normal body, they had to get her out of jail.

Now she is in Tsukishima hand's.

This is to much for me and everyone, shoto after you wake up this will be a new start for you and me...

I will help you get therapy, and I'll be there for you...

There's nothing haunting you now, your free....

I got closer to shoto's face and kissed his lips, I stand up and went out side.

Alister's letter....

I opened the letter and a necklace fell out.


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