53//Things to see

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"what do you mean...."

"She left a letter, she didn't really explain anything, it just said you're immortal and you would pass it on to me somehow..." He looked down and then looked at me.

Does this mean I won't die....

I can live forever....

How will I pass it to him...

"Don't worry about it sho!" He smiled his smile gives me life...

"Okay!" I hugged him tightly with my head against his chest.

Knock knock

Uraraka opened the door, "You just it's been more than a hour!!" She laughed

"Heh sorry uraraka-san, we'll come out now!" He helped me get up, and we headed to the living room with everyone.

Everyone is a mess....

Sero and kaminari seem to be drunk...

"Are you all okay?" I asked

"Pfft" izuku laughed

"Um... I think you guys should leave now heh, I'll take care of this mess!" Yaoyorozu said cheerfully.

Suddenly izuku grabbed my hand, "Do you want to go to my place, i think we have to talk and also a little someone will want to see you" he smiled softly, how can i say no

"A little someone? Sure it will be nice to see your place?"

"We'll get going! Bye guys!" We started to head out, I came here by a ride Fuyumi gave me.

What happened to my family this past years, they got family therapy....

Mother came back home, Toya he couldn't escape from being a Villain....

The old man... He became less aggressive...
He's still working on it...

But based on what Fuyumi said everything is cool now, they actually have a family now mother is home father works comes back goes to him room.

And that's basically it...

Izuku grabbed me from my waist and pulled me closer to him, "what's on your mind!" He asked.

"Nothing just my family..." I looked away, I don't want to bother him....

"Oh... I heard they where having family therapy, I kept in contact with Fuyumi and Natsuo, but they didn't really like to talk about it" he said, yeah well we the Todoroki's don't like to spread out business...

"Yeah they did, am just glad my father changed a bit at least even if I can't forgive him for everything he did to me..." Just thinking of everything makes me feel the same way I felt before....

We walked to a big building, well he's the number one hero....

"So this is where the number one hero lives!?" I looked up to the building.

"Yeah! It's so nice but I also think it's a little to much!" He scratched the back of him head.

We walking in the building, it looks so nice...

We walked to the door and izuku started to unlock it with his keys, "lady's first" he smiled with a little laugh.

"Yeah yeah am a queen" I giggled.

"More like a ice queen, if you ask me" his smile widened

We walked in, it looks so clean most of the furnitures are white.

"Aiko!!" Aiko.... Our.... The little kitten we found... And named...

"Aiko... You still have him!" I asked with joy, suddenly a little cat with bright blue eyes and white fur came.

"Of course I do, he's the symbol of our love.." I crouched and opened my arms, Aiko ran towards me and started licking my face.

"Hey stop licking, I missed you too!" I hugged him, his licking send tickles thru my spine making me laugh.

"He missed you!" I could feel izu look at us softly, while he said that.

"I think it's time for him to go sleep tho, Aiko come here" he grabbed Aiko in his arms, and started to walk to a room.

I walked to the living room, there is a few pictures....

There was one of me and Aiko....

The day we found him....

I grabbed the picture....

I don't remember him taking this picture, I smiled softly...

"Hey sho! Uh..." He grabbed the picture, he looks embarrassed...

"When did you take that picture I never noticed"

"Uh when we went to that park heh!" He looked away with a blush in his face.

"Oh by the way, you said you wanted to talk?" I asked him, while looking at the other pictures.

"Yeah I did, it's been four years so there's lots to talk about..." He sat in the couch that was next to him, so I sat in the one in front of his.

"Where do I started... I uh... Okay when you left, UA continued 1-A continued to get more popular I did too... Everyone got more powerful, I got many confessions kacchan did too..." Where is he getting at...

"Go straight to the point...."

"Ah yeah okay... There was this guy..."

"A guy...." Did something happen between this guy and him!

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