26//Time with you

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"Todobro, how did it feel when you were asleep?"

"W..well I could hear everyone and everything I just couldn't see or move..." I looked down. Izuku tightened the grip on my hand. I looked at him and he smiled.

He makes me happy. He makes me feel safe.

"Oh, that room you were in with that bastard, what happened in there?' Bakugou asked.

"The r.. room, I don't remember... I was in a bed... There were pictures of me.." I can't remember, everything is a blur. Why can't I remember?

"Oh, well we're leaving it's getting late and we have to go. I'm glad you woke up Icyhot." He left with Kirishima, and Fuyumi led them the way out.

It was me and Izuku alone again.

"Shoto, I want to spend more time with you.." I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

"Sure, but how..." I never really liked going to places or spending time with people. I was always the loner.

"Well, we can go places on the weekends, and since you woke up we can go back to the dorms, and I can go to your dorm to spend more time with you there doing homework or just talking!" He gave me a big smile. He looks really excited to spend more time with me...

Why does he want to spend more time with me...

"Why..." I looked down, does he even know what I mean by why...

He lifted my chin looking into my eyes, "I love you, and when you were asleep I... I couldn't imagine not having you here. I decided if you woke up, I would spend as much time as I could with you!"


Fuyumi came back, saw me and Izuku. I could see she was giggling.

"Shoto, Natsuo is coming with soba, your favorite!" She looked at me.


The last time I ate was at the buffet...

It's been about a week or more...

"Uh... S.. sure"

Fuyumi left to the kitchen to set the table.

"Izuku you're staying for dinner right?!"

"Sure, if you'd like me to!"

During this time, my eating disorder got worse...

I feel like even the smell of food makes me sick.

"I'm going to take a shower.." I stood and left Izuku. What am I going to do? I can't eat.

At the bathroom, I looked at my self in the mirror. I look thinner, that's good.

Knock knock

"Um... Sho are you okay? You left so suddenly..."

I opened the door and looked at Izuku.

Why am I going to say?

I could say I'm fine, but I'm not

But I can't tell him r.. right?

"Y.. yeah I'm fine."

He smiled and looked at the shower. "Want me to wash you..?"

"U..uh I..if you want to."

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now