2//I promise

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Midoriya's POV

Todoroki gave me the same stare he gave me in the sport festival. And showed me his bandages. I can't believe he's been self harming. Why, why does he do it?

I started walking towards him and putting my right hand on his cheek. "Why do you do this?" Right now I'm the only person he can talk about it to. I can't ignore this, the thought of him self harming sends shivers down my spine.

Todoroki's POV

He walked towards me and put his hand on my cheek "Why do you do this?" He asked with the softest voice, but the voices started to get louder and LOUDER I couldn't even hear my self anymore.




Everything started to get blurry and slowly the world slipped in to darkness.

Midoriya's POV

Todoroki took some steps back. "Todoroki?" That's when he started to fall. I quickly moved to catch him so he wouldn't get hurt.



I have to get him to a hospital. I took my phone out, still holding on to Todoroki, and searched for the closest hospital. The closest one is about 20 minutes from here.

I carried Todoroki bridal style and used one for all full cowling to get to the hospital. I got to the hospital and started screaming.

"Someone, help please!!"


That's when a doctor and two nurses came and got him. I wanted to go with Todoroki, but they told me to stay in the waiting room.

3 hours later

I can't wait anymore. It's 6:25 pm. 3 hours have passed and I still don't know anything about Todoroki's condition.

"Shoto Todoroki's family" I heard his name and ran to the doctor, "I'm Izuku Midoriya, his f.. friend."

"Todoroki lost a lot of blood, he's really weak we're keeping him here for a night."

"Can I see him?" I couldn't stop thinking that I could have done something.

"Of course" I entered Todoroki's room. He was still sleeping, and he looked so peaceful and cute. I sat next to him and held his hand. I can't believe I didn't notice.

"I promise I'll save you Todoroki, that's what heroes are supposed to do. I'll be your hero."


"TODOROKI! You're awake!"

"Yeah, what happened?"

"You lost a lot of blood"

"oh" Todoroki's voice sounded so weak I wish I could have done something so this wouldn't have happened.

Todoroki's POV

I made Midoriya worry what kind of person am I? I should have died. I don't deserve to live. I was trying to avoid eye contact so I turned to the windows of the room to see the sun set.

Suddenly something warm and comforting slipped in my hand so I held it. It was Midoriya's warm hand.

Midoriya's POV

"Todoroki, I promise I'll save you. I'll be your hero."

I said while looking down, I felt Todoroki move so I looked up. Then I felt his warm lips pressing against mine. I could feel my face turn red and hot at the same time but I melted in to the kiss.

Todoroki's POV

Instead of answering I gave Midoriya a kiss. I could feel his soft lips on mine, the kiss lasted some time, until we separated to reach for air.

"I promise, I will definitely save you Shoto."

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now