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"One of you will be expelled"

Todoroki's POV

What expelled, well that was expected all this time there's been so much going on with me and izu.

"WHAT Why!" Izu questioned, he looks mad for some reason.

"You two have been in the middle of the villains, midoriya you went all alone to save Todoroki with kirishima, Todoroki you have been going to the hospital many times already, the news reporters want to know what is happening ,they want UA to be safe."
Aizawa said

"So you pretend to keep everyone safe by expelling you're students!"

"You have to make the decision, who is going to leave you or Todoroki"

I grabbed izuku's hand and I dragged him out side.

"We'll be back, we need to talk"

We are in the hallway, "Sho I can't believe them they they seem not to care!"

"Izu understand them, this was expected.... I'll be the one to leave..."

"What no! You can't leave what would your father do to you or UA?!" He grabbed me from my shirt.

"Look izuku am going to be fine UA too, I need therapy my family too and this can be my chance for that... Being a hero wasn't really my dream it was my father's..."

Yeah I might die in my father's hands....

"Sho then if that's your decision.... I'll respect it, but I know you're father he will try and beat you... Please be okay" he hugged me softly

I hugged him back, his scent is like home...
"I'm going to be alright, and it isn't like we won't talk anymore, we can still hang out and talk right"

"Of course we will talk and hang out!" He looked up and smiled, he looks so cute I kissed his lips softly and we started to head inside already.

We sat down where we had sat down.

"Am going to be the one leaving" I looked down

"Am sorry young Todoroki, tommorow will be your last school day."

"You can always come visit!" Midnight said with a small smile

"Then it will be good that way" Nezu said while he stand up leaving

We stayed here until all the teachers left, and izu started to tear up.

I looked at him and turned my seat in front of him, "why are you crying, don't cry" I put my hand in his face wiping the tears away.

"I can't help it, I might... What is your father does something... Or we don't see each other.... I won't see you fall asleep anymore..." He put him hand on top of mine looking into my eyes.

"Hey don't worry, even if that happens remember we are going to get married.... We are young yes but my love for you izu will always bring me back to you, and we can still text, call and meet up" I smiled softly

"Promise me, you won't leave me..."

I hugged him tightly "I promise there is no way I would leave you"



We are in our dorm now, I already packed up for tommorow izu seems really down but I know he will be fine...

He's strong

"Sho, tomorrow when you tell your father don't let him hurt you."

I walked to izu and sat next to him in the bed, "I won't let him"

"Can... Can I watch you fall asleep..."

I looked at him and smiled "of course..."

We layed down face to face in the bed, we keep staring at each other and giggle this is so awkward

"Izu, you know I love you right"

"Yeah but I love you more"

"No I love you more"

"No I do!"

"Oh really" I tickled him and he started to laugh

"Sho s.. stop!" He looks so beautiful laughing

I stopped tickling him and kissed his soft lips.

He tastes sweet...

I promise I won't leave you izu, even if I do my heart won't.

We separated the kiss to get air, "sho I love you"

"I love you too izu"

We hugged each other until we fell asleep, why do I always end up being the little spoon....



"Good morning sleeping beauty"

I woke up to see izuku's cute face looking at me.

"Good morning izu"

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now