Chapter 5

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Olivia tensed the moment she walked into the room

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Olivia tensed the moment she walked into the room. She drew a deep breath and exhaled after realizing how ragged her breathing was as Andrew walked in behind her.

She could feel her heart beating hard against her chest and so instead of the man standing behind her, she decided to focus her gaze on the old lady, who was busy laying the bed. She pursed her lip, trying as hard as she could to keep her trembling fingers firm on purse and felt herself jerk when Andrew's sigh broke the silence.

"That's enough nanny." He spoke. The silver haired woman stood straight and after a few seconds of silence, she nodded.

"I'll go prepare dinner." She said and then made for the door.

"I'll help!" Olivia snapped before she could control it.  She rubbed her sweaty hands against the slim fabric of her dress as she made a move to turn away.
She wanted to get away, she had to. She was terrified of what would happen if she was left alone with Andrew, she was terrified of what he would do. She was terrified of him.

"I'm not done with you, Olivia." The iciness in his voice brought her feet to a complete halt. "Go on ahead nanny." He turned to the older woman.
She nodded and walked away and with every step she took further away from them, Olivia could feel her heart beat pick up its rhythm. She glanced down at her shaky hands the moment she heard the door close and pursed her lip. She could feel the intensity of Andrews gaze burning through the side of her face but she refused to meet his gaze, she couldn't.

Andrew found his way to the bed.

"How long have you been sleeping with him?" He asked calmly, casually dropping his jacket on the bed. Olivia's head sprung in his direction the moment he said those words.

"Wh-What?" She stammered.

"You heard me, Olivia. Please don't let me repeat myself." He said, undoing his cufflinks one after the other.

"N-never. Andrew, how could you even ask me that?" She asked almost in a whisper. He sighed and turned away, a deep scowl on his face. He didn't believe a single word coming out of her mouth and she knew it. He never did.

"Do not lie to me, Olivia," It was a warning.
"You know, I saw you." He paused,finally turning to face her. "I saw you looking around for him." The look in his eyes was murderous...monstrous.

"Andrew-" She stammered, feeling her eyes get really heavy from holding back all those tears, not because she was sad he had the wrong idea about what happened, but because she knew what where conversation was going to, it never ended well.

"Andrew, it's not what you think." She had to convince him. She knew she needed to. "I wasn't- I was looking for you."

"I saw you hold his hand and you were smiling at him." He was barely even listening to her. "You were smiling at him in a way that you should only smile at me. You were flirting with him."

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