Chapter 33

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Knock! knock!

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Knock! knock!

One, two, three!
Grace counted in her head as the door slowly opened at three. Three seconds, that was the interval from when Austin knocked at her door to when he stuck his head in to see if she was awake every morning.

It was like an everyday routine.
She could tell it was him from the way he dragged his feet every time he approached her room. She sat up slowly, maintaining a tiny frown on her face the moment he stuck his head in. She wanted him to see she wasn't in the mood to play.
Austin exhaled and then walked into the room. He knew it'd take more than a long wide smile from him to change what happened the day before.

"How is my only niece in the world doing?"
He asked finding his way around the colorful room and straight to her bed. She moved a little bit, giving him space to sit beside her legs.

She looked so pale and her eyes were swollen like she had been crying the whole night up until the morning.

"I don't feel so good." She said almost in a whisper.

Austin stared at her for a second then exhaled. He slowly stretched his hand and placed it gently on her forehead to check her temperature.

"You're burning hot Grace." He told her with a long look of worry on his face. She sniffed. She looked so tired. "Hold on a minute, I'd call your doctor."

He quickly reached for his pockets so he could get his phone.

"No uncle," she managed to lean closer to him, placing her hand on his to stop him. He slowly turned to look at her. She shook her head.

"But why?"
Grace exhaled and then twitched her nose.

"I don't want Grandma to know, she's going to call me weak again. She'd say I'm just as weak as my Mum again." She frowned, curving her tiny pale lips. Austin exhaled.

"Uncle Austin?" He looked into his eyes.

"Mnnn?" Austin forced a smile on his face.

"Was that really her? The woman from the courtroom? Is she really my mum?"

Austin nodded slowly

"Is she really out of jail?"

Austin paused for a second. He nodded again

"Does this mean now she's out, she'd continue to hurt people?"

"H-hurt people?"

"Well," she rubbed her fingers together "Grandma always told me she is the reason I don't have a father, she said she killed my father and then yesterday, she hurt grandma too, and made her really upset. It means my mother is a bad person doesn't it and if my mother is a bad person, it means I'm a bad person too."

"That's not true." Austin cut her off. He quickly reached for her hands. "Don't you ever believe that. Your mother didn't kill your father. She's not a bad person." He stared into her eyes. The little girl had tears in them. " Your Mother is the nicest person I've ever met." He continued. "She's kind and she has a good heart. She's not the kind of person to kill anyone."

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