Chapter 31

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"Welcome home Sir," Rafael nodded in approval as the maid that had rushed to him as soon as the butler got the door greeted, hurrying to take his suitcase away from Susan

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"Welcome home Sir,"
Rafael nodded in approval as the maid that had rushed to him as soon as the butler got the door greeted, hurrying to take his suitcase away from Susan. She bowed a little then took the suitcase away from her as they walked further into the big house.

"Mary," Susan smiled at the maid who had never looked happier to see them. She chuckled.

"Miss Susan," she answered, her face going red in excitement.

"You look too happy this evening,"

"Of course she does." A voice echoed round the empty hallway as tiny footsteps began to approach them. "She has been living her best life for the past three days." A woman announced, walking towards them in a uniform, a uniform that was different from the white and black apron the maid was wearing.

She was way older than all of them in that room, not too old for a fifty five year old and not so young either. She was chubby and would have never been mistaken for a nanny if not because of her white uniform, strands of Her grey hair, mixed beautifully with her brown hair.

"Not like she doesn't live her best life everyday,"
She got closer to them. "It's nice to see you again Miss Susan."

Susan chuckled

"Nanny Benita." She let out a tiny smile,

"How did the case go?" The lady asked "Did we win?" She whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Have we ever not?" Susan whispered back. "You should have seen him in action." She placed her hand beside her mouth, trying to cover it so no one else heard. "I almost didn't recognize him"

The three of them chuckled faintly.

"I'm still here." Rafael announced. They all turned to look at him, the older lady smiled brightly.

"Welcome home."

"Nanny," Rafael walked away from the door, leaving a tiny path for Olivia to walk through. Olivia paused the moment she found herself in front of the tiny crowd, all eyes on her. She drew a deep breath and walked in slowly, hoping her trembling legs could still hold her up for an extra second. She was so nervous, really nervous. She was still having a hard time believing it, she couldn't believe she was free at last, that she wasn't in that place anymore. A lot had changed since twenty thirteen, the world had obviously moved on without her starting with all the beautiful places she had seen on their way there, to all the traffic lights and clean roads.

Snap out of it Olivia, you were just gone six years not a century. The changes weren't really that huge.

She was even more nervous the moment she heard the maid gasp.

"Isn't that-" She was almost pointing at Olivia before the woman jabbed her arm slightly.

"Behave yourself." She whispered to the surprised maid eying her for a second. The younger girl retraced her steps and buried her head in shame as the lady slowly turned to Rafael, surprise written all over her face.

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