Chapter 35

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Olivia glared at Austin as she watched him pick up the tiny bottle of mentholated robb from the tiny bag he had gotten from the pharmacy across the street earlier while the soft music playing at the background of the almost empty restaurant tried ...

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Olivia glared at Austin as she watched him pick up the tiny bottle of mentholated robb from the tiny bag he had gotten from the pharmacy across the street earlier while the soft music playing at the background of the almost empty restaurant tried to soothe her.

Asa's the beginning was playing at the background.

She watched Austin slowly take off the lid and try to reach for her hands.

She slowly pulled them back.

There was no way in hell she was going to let him touch her, not even at the slightest chance. He lowered his gaze to meet hers.


He knew this woman in front of him better than anyone else. He exhaled and slowly reached for her hand again, this time, he caught them before she tried to pull them away but she still tried. No matter how hard she pulled, Austin pulled back ten times harder, utill she gave in to him.

She watched him pull her bruised hand close to his side of the table so he could have a good look at it then reached for the robb with his index finger. He scooped a tiny portion from it and massaged her hand gently with it.

"You know, you should not go around hitting objects when you know you'd be the one to get hurt eventually." He said still rubbing her hand gently. His gaze focused on it. "You're easily scarred and you know this but you keep hurting yourself anyway."

Olivia scoffed in disgust and then forcefully pulled her hand away. Austin paused for a second, not bothering to look at her.

"Why do you care?" She asked still glaring at him "Why do you care what happens to me?"

Austin didn't say a word, instead he leaned closer and reached for her hand again. He pulled it back to where he started. Olivia let out an exasperated sigh.

He smiled a bit

"Remember back then at the university, how you used to break your wrist at every table tennis practice and then you'd ask me to help you rub it so it didn't swell?" He asked still rubbing her hand gently.  "Exactly like this."

"I don't have the time for this."

Olivia pulled her hand again and reached for her bag. Austin exhaled. She tried to leave.

"I'm sorry." He blurted out bringing Olivia to an abrupt halt. She didn't bother to look at him. She wanted him to do all the looking even if he had to raise his head to "I'm sorry I stopped visiting. I'm sorry I made you go through all that time in jail alone. I should have done just more than getting you a lawyer that was no good eventually and I'm sorry for turning my back on you the one time you really needed me Olivia." Olivia exhaled.

"Trust me when I say there was no day for the past six years I didn't wish to take it all back. That I didn't wish I had stayed by your side but I was scared. I was scared you'd hate me for what mother put you through, for what she took from you. "

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