Chapter 37

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"You let her leave?"Rafael inhaled sharply immediately after the zapping sound from the Sphygmomanometer

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"You let her leave?"
Rafael inhaled sharply immediately after the zapping sound from the Sphygmomanometer. He exchanged glances with the doctor who gave him a tiny nod.
He exhaled in relief.

"Your blood pressure is back to normal." The man in a white coat with white beards told him as he put the instrument back into the box on the table. Rafael folded his arms, dropping them on the table.

"For now you have nothing to worry about but I suggest you stay off strenuous activities or any activity at all that can trigger your Angina."
He picked up his box

"I'll prescribe some multivitamins and sleeping pills to help you regain your strength and sleep better. I'd be taking my leave now but if there's anything you need, please let me know." Rafael nodded . He understood what the doctor was saying perfectly.

"Thank you doc."
The old man bowed slightly and then walked to the door just as Tony walked towards the table, folding his hands on his chest maintaining the frown on his face. Just the moment he was waiting for.

He stood still, right in front of Rafael. Rafael exhaled. He wasn't exactly in the mood for Tony's whining.

He rolled his sleeves
"What is it Tony?"

"How can you send her away just like that Ralph? She just got out of jail and she's not even allowed to go back to her house. Where is she supposed to go?"

"I don't know Tony." He slouched back into his chair "And I really don't care."

"You don't care?"

"I don't."


"I wasn't comfortable with this to begin with Tony," he placed his hand on his forehead "You made me do all this and now look," he rubbed it. "Deal with the consequences."

"How could you be so insensitive?" Tony slowly pulled the chair beside him so he could sit in it. Maybe that would give him a better opportunity to look Ralph in the eye and get him to listen.

"Yes, she might have gone out of line, cleaning kamsi's room but that was because she didn't know how much it meant to you. She didn't know you didn't want anyone cleaning it since-" Tony paused for a while and then exhaled. The rest wasn't necessary. "Look, all I'm saying is you should not have sent her away, especially at a time like that. A lot of things happen to people at night especially since she doesn't have a phone."

"If you're so worried about her Tony, then you can go look for her." Rafael glared at him. "Or better still, you should have let her stay in your house instead of mine."

"Stay in my house? Brother, you know how my Mum gets with these kinds of things. She'd never be able to understand especially since she isn't a big fan of the Silver's."

Rafael scoffed

"And besides, I have a lot of people living at my house. Not just my mum, my six sisters and three cousin brothers. There's no way Olivia would ever be comfortable in a place like that and it's not like I can ask them all to leave, they are going to request a meeting with all the umunnas in my village."

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