Chapter 17

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Two years later

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Two years later...

"What on earth is wrong with you Constance?" He drew a deep breath, "Can you at least stop walking and listen to me?"

It was hard walking as fast as he could down the long flight of stairs, trying to talk his wife out of walking out that front door with the chauffeur pulling her large box in front of her, trying to get it to the car first as she pushed herself from even listening to him. She was hurrying right down the stairs pulling her two year old daughter with her.

"Give me a second to explain, please." He repeated hurrying now to stand firm in front of the stairs before she took the last Stair down.

He looked at the light skinned woman standing in front of him in a long, yellow African print dress and a yellow scarf wrapped neatly on her braids. She glared at him for a second, her brown eyes staring right into his dark eyes. Trying so hard not to be lost in them and his thick brows, those brows, they matched perfectly, highlighting his tiny eyes, carved perfectly to fit his perfect hair cut.

The frown on his face detailed his chin and his jawline perfected his masculinity. She watched him raise his hands to his nose bridge, right where his tiny god mark sat unbothered, close to his right eye. He itched it for a second while his muscles flexed themselves, trying not to push themselves out from the sleeves of his clean white tee shirt.

He was perfect and maybe, just maybe, if she wasn't so upset and determined to walk right out of that house, she would have thrown all that determination to leave away the moment his hand grabbed hers earlier, before she stormed out of the room in the first place.
She pouted her perfectly perked lips, trying not to look so hard at him, while holding on to her little daughter with one hand and her bag with the other.

He took a soft frustrated breath

"Can you please just listen to me?"
He finally asked her opening his eyes again so he could look her right into hers. He dropped his hand from his face the moment she scoffed.

"Why?" She asked him "So I can listen to all your silly excuses again? No way Rafael, I'm done. I'm done with all your excuses, I'm done with all your lies and I'm definitely not doing any of this right now."

"Come on-"

"You told me it was the last. You told me you were going to stop practicing and you'd finally take your place at your father's company. You said you wanted this trip to just be for our family, no work,"

Rafael could see the anger in her eyes with every word she said.

"I actually thought you meant every word. I actually thought for once in your life, Kamsi and I would mean something to you, something better than your work. That we'd come first,"

"Of course you do."
He slowly reached for her hands. Surprisingly, she didn't stop him
"Constance, you and kamsi mean the world to me and you know it."

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