Chapter 50

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"We are here Madam

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"We are here Madam."

Olivia opened her eyes slowly at the sound of the driver's voice. It was about time. She had spent the entire journey crossing her fingers, praying so hard with her heart in her mouth that the car didn't crash.


No matter how long it had been, she knew she could never get used to them, they terrified her a lot.

This is it Olivia, this is it.

Olivia slowly turned to the window, she needed a better view of outside, pushing the window buttons so they wound down enough for her to see what was going on outside the huge building.


The last time she had ever been to one, she was dragged out, beaten and raped by the man that had promised to love and protect her forever. She couldn't shake off memories from that night.

If Rafael asked her to be there then it had to be important right? Besides, it was for Austin. Austin, the man that had done nothing but be on her side through all the drama that had always taken place. It was the least she could do for him especially since she knew her presence was going to be so important to him.

Olivia drew a deep breath as the driver walked to the door and opened it. She slowly stretched her hands to him so he could help her get out of the car. She didn't want to ruin her long dress by stepping on it while she tried to pull herself out on her own.

"Thank you." She whispered to him then turned to the building just as the man hurried back to the car and drove off to the parking lot.

Olivia took another step closer.

The lights,
They were so lovely, so bright. Just how much did the Silvers put into this event? She wondered as she took more steps to the building, looking around, trying to capture all the details she saw in her head. All those people, all those celebrities and important personalities, all dressed in red. That was the dress code after all, a touch of red. Olivia had almost forgotten how Victoria adored the color red. It had always been her favorite.

She could see how most of them glared at her in disgust as they walked past her, some with surprise written all over their faces as they whispered into each other's ears. It was her first public appearance since she got out of prison after all.

Olivia tried as hard as she could to avoid all forms of eye contact with any of them. These were the same people that always pretended to admire her when she was still the princess of the Silver family, the same people that sent her gifts and wanted to be associated with her so badly before catastrophe happened.

It didn't matter anyway.

She stopped walking for a while and turned to her tiny watch. She frowned a bit and looked around carefully.

He said he was going to be waiting right outside, where was he?

She narrowed her gaze to the other corner of the building close to the entrance. If not for anything, she could never forget what his back looked like because she had seen a lot of it, then his standing posture. She didn't even need to see his face, she just knew the man standing right there with his eyes glued to his phone had to be him, it had to be Rafael. She scoffed lightly and slowly reached for her phone from her tiny purse.

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