The End....but, IT'S NOT OVER YET !!

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Okay so this is the part where I thank everyone that has been with me throughout this journey. Writing heartstrings was one of my best experiences ever and experiencing my views increase every second is indeed a blessing, the comments, vote and reviews mean so so much to me and none of it would have mattered without you guys.

So yeah,

The first part of Sinners and Saints has come to an end but there is a PART 2 (Sinners and Saints II)  on my profile right now that solely focuses on Rafael and Olivia's story and relationship (plus it's completed) because a few people have reached out to me to tell me how much more they want. "WE WANT MORE RAFAEL AND OLIVIA" and trust me, it only gets better from there.

 "WE WANT MORE RAFAEL AND OLIVIA" and trust me, it only gets better from there

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Thank you so much for being the best team mates ever. Keep referring, sharing, voting and commenting so we all can help get Sinners and Saints to the top.

I love you all so so so so much❤️

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