Chapter 34

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"I'm going to keep this as short and concise as ever

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"I'm going to keep this as short and concise as ever."

Victoria glared at Rafael as she watched him push the brown file in front of him to her side of the table.
"Feel free to go through it for as long as you want."

Her lawyer quickly pulled it to his side and opened it, not hesitating one bit. For someone who had reserved the entire top floor of the restaurant just so that no one had to see or know what was about to happen, Victoria sure knew she had no reason to rush anything.

Philip on the other hand, scoffed out loudly, slowly raising his head just so it could meet with Rafael's gaze.

"What is this?" He asked as Victoria turned her head slightly to have a look at the paper in the file. "An autopsy request?"

Victoria let out a tiny grin as Rafael slowly turned to her.

"Please give us your permission to perform an autopsy on your late son."

"Is this some kind of a joke?"
Rafael slowly turned back to Philip not minding the grin on his face "Come on Barrister Okonkwo, you can't be serious. I know you're known to get a little desperate in all your cases but this-" he scoffed "But this is really low and pathetic."

"What's pathetic about wanting a real autopsy report that could help us both solve this case? Isn't that what we all want? Answers?"

Philip leaned forward.

"That corpse has been laid to rest six years ago. Do you know what that means?" He stared at Rafael who didn't look the perturbed in the least. "Who would want to cut open a six years old corpse? I mean we barely have good enough pathologists and equipments for autopsies on a fresh corpse in this country talk more of a six years old dead body. How on earth do you intend to pull this off and even if you do, with what funds?"

"I and my team, we've made arrangements to fly the corpse to the United States in a few weeks as soon as that consent form is signed. Where I'm getting the money from should not be your problem."

Philip rolled his eyes.

"Don't you think this is too much? Don't you think you're going too far? Your client has been freed from this case, why are you still bothering yourself with it?"

"When have I ever started something that I didn't finish?" Rafael cut him off. He snorted. "You should know me by now Philip, when I sense something fishy, I find the fish no matter what it takes."

He slowly turned to Victoria who just kept her eyes glaring at him with a huge frown on her wrinkled face.

"You don't need to sign that form if you don't want to." He told her "You're not your son's only family or next of kin. This was just me showing you some respect as his mother, if you won't sign it, then I'd find someone who can."
Victoria pursed her lips

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