Chapter 49

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Olivia exhaled for the hundredth time

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Olivia exhaled for the hundredth time.
She was so restless and she couldn't help herself. Standing there, looking outside through that window, she suddenly had a lot to think about.

Like ... how he was, What he was doing? Where he was? If he was healing just fine?

Darn it Olivia, you're such a bad person.
Maybe that was why he hadn't returned her texts in two days.

She exhaled again.

Benita noticed just how distressed she was from where she stood, tucking Grace in bed. It wasn't just her, Amy too. They both exchanged pitiful glances.

Benita nodded at Amy, she knew it was a sign for her to take over while she went over to Olivia to talk.

Olivia rubbed her arms together the moment she felt a cool breeze pass through her.

"Nwam," she slowly turned to Benita as she watched the old lady walk towards her with a lot of concern on her face. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you're worrying about Grace again."

Olivia shook her head slowly.

"It's not Grace nanny,"
Benita frowned.
"It isn't?" She walked closer to her just as Amy turned to listen too. Benita narrowed her gaze on Olivia "What is it then?" She asked

"It's Mr Rafael, nanny Benita,"  Amy said from where she sat on the bed. "She has been like that since she sent him that text and he didn't reply two days ago."

Benita slowly turned back to Olivia.

"Is this true?"
Olivia exhaled.

"I feel like a very horrible person Nanny," she pouted "For once I feel what Rafael said to me is true. He's done so much for me and I can't do anything for him. I couldn't even text him or call him to see if he was fine or if he arrived safely. He must really think I'm ungrateful, he must be really disgusted. I'm scared that he hates me so much already nanny."

Olivia had a great tone of worry in her voice.

"I've been so busy thinking about Grace and hoping she gets better that I completely forgot none of this would have been possible without him, I wouldn't even be here if he had not jumped into that bullet to save me."

"Hmm." Benita thought for a while.

"I sent him a text two days ago and then another yesterday, I also texted him this morning nanny and he hasn't even bothered to text back. It means something doesn't it?" She slowly reached for Benita's hands. "It means he's really upset with me. It means he doesn't want to talk to me." She looked into Benita's eyes

"Or maybe he's just too busy trying to find the evidence that took him to Washington in the first place. Maybe he hasn't been through his phone yet. Why are you being so paranoid now?" Amy said tucking in the sheets. "Wait a while, I'm sure he's going to text you back. He just needs some time. Keep on bothering him with all those texts and you'd only provoke him and make him get tired of your case. What if he decides not to take this case anymore huh? What are you going to do?"

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