Chapter 7

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Olivia took off her sunshades

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Olivia took off her sunshades.
She had this headache and besides, there was no sun in the doctor's room. Anywhere was better than being back at that house at that moment. She dropped it on the table, blinking her eyes slowly so they could adjust to the brightness of the room, even if they hurt so bad, before the doctor walked back in.

Too late.

She wasn't fast enough. Olivia was too tired to even reach for her glasses before the lady in a white coat walked into the room.

"I'm really sorry Olivia, I had something to attend to in the emergency room."

"No, it's okay." Olivia sat straight. She could stall till whenever. She wasn't exactly in a hurry to get back home. She watched the lady in the coat walk towards the seat across hers, holding on to a tiny white envelope. She made herself comfortable into the wheeled seat, pulling it closer to the table so she could have access to her computer.

Olivia looked away, trying so hard to avoid eye contact right before the lady took a quick look at her. She turned back to her computer

"Fell from the stairs again?" She asked typing some words into the large screen.

Olivia exhaled.

Just like always, Amanda always knew when there was something different about any part of her body. She knew she could not hide behind those shades the moment she stepped into that office. Not like her bruises were trying to hide themselves.

My God never fails. Olivia just felt more comfortable leaving it as Amanda. Amanda loved being called Amanda. Sixteen years and counting. That was how long their friendship had been for. Sixteen years of practically being raised by the same foundation and the same family, the Silvers. Sixteen years of being the closest friends ever. Unfortunately, unlike Olivia, Amanda wasn't the apple of a Silver's eye, rather she stuck with her dreams of being a doctor till the end and there they were, she was Olivia's Doctor.

"You know I can't really say anything if you don't tell me what's on your mind Olly."

Maybe it was better that way. Olivia knew it was better if she kept her mouth shut, but she knew her friend to be anything but quiet.

Amanda turned away from her laptop in frustration, focusing all her attention on Olivia. She wished she could turn a blind eye to it this time but she just couldn't.

"He's hitting you again isn't he?"

"Amanda-" Olivia called her name in a whisper. She didn't want to talk about it.

"I knew it." Amanda scoffed "Until when Olivia? Until when would you stop letting this family hurt you like this?"

Olivia wished she had an answer.

"I just don't understand. It's been barely three years and you literally have had all sorts of bruises from being your mentally disabled husband's daily punch bag."

"Amanda-" Olivia just stopped right after calling her name. There was nothing else to say, she just didn't want to talk about it.

"Fine." Amanda threw her hands slightly in the air, waving it "if you won't talk about it then I won't make you. But really, you need to make it stop, you need to toughen up Olivia. I know it's not something you're used to but you need to stop letting him abuse you especially in your recent condition."

Olivia blinked.

"I-I don't understand," no she didn't. "W-what condition?"

Amanda looked her right in her eyes. She didn't blink for a second.

"You're pregnant Olly,"
Olivia gulped hard "Six weeks to be exact."

"Wh-What?" Olivia felt the world stop moving for a second. It was like everything became still after that. She heard Amanda right but she couldn't stop but act like she didn't.

"Do you need me to spell it out for you darling?"

"I-I can't, it can't be-"

"It can't be?" Amanda really hoped she could complete her sentence. Olivia was still in so much shock to turn to her. She had her hands trembling on the table and her mind everywhere

"Olivia, you know this timing isn't the least perfect. Andrew is barely a good husband, he can never be a good father."

Olivia quickly turned to look at her.

"What do I do?" She said almost in a whisper. "How do I do this?" She was so confused.

"Olivia, I think you need help. I think it's time you opened up about what you're going through." Amanda said, her eyebrows narrowing. "I think it's time for you to leave him, maybe get a divorce or -"

"He would never let me." Olivia cut her off, her voice barely audible. She was so scared. "He'll never let me go. He-"

"Olivia-" Amanda started.

"I can't." She sniffed. "I- I can't have this baby." She stammered. She was starting to panic. Her hands were sweaty and with every second that passed, she could feel the air being sucked out of her lungs.

She couldn't bear the thought of raising a child with Andrew, she simply couldn't bear the thought of bringing a child into the world knowing that Andrew would be in their lives.  She couldn't bear the thought of Andrew hitting her child. She didn't even realize she'd been holding her breath until she felt Amanda's hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay O?" Amanda asked, her voice laced with concern. Olivia averted her gaze for a few seconds, taking in greedy, deep breaths.

Of course she wasn't okay.

"I'm not going to let him hurt you or your baby, Olivia." Amanda said soothingly after a few seconds. "I promise you that." She continued.

"Look, I know a very good lawyer, he's one of the best in the country, if you just let me handle it, I can have him draw up divorce papers and we'll figure the rest of it out, I promise you." She continued. Olivia looked at her for a few seconds and then sniffed.

She wanted to believe her so badly.

She wanted to believe that she could get her out of this mess somehow. She didn't care how as long as she and her child would be safe, but she knew better, and she knew that Andrew would never let her go without a fight. He never lost one either, Never.

Not even to his mother.

"Let me help you." Amanda's voice broke through her thoughts. She sighed and opened her mouth to speak. "At least promise me you'll think about it." Amanda cut her off and as much as she wanted to say something, as much as she wanted to be realistic, she found herself nodding.

"Okay." She sniffed. "I -" she paused and then ran her fingers through her hair. "I have to go."
She grabbed her purse and then stood up, running her fingers over the fabric of her dress. "I'll call you later, okay?" She faked a smile. Amanda sighed, she pulled her into an embrace.

"Stay safe." She told her.

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