Chapter 59

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The entire room was filled with so much silence

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The entire room was filled with so much silence. Grace and Amy exchanged glances just as they rested their gaze back on Olivia who just sat where she was, staring into blank space.

It had been over an hour, over an hour since she got back from her date and she had been that way. She had not said a word to any of them or moved a muscle. She just sat there, lost in her thoughts.

Something was wrong, something had to be. Why wasn't she saying anything? Amy exhaled.

"Olivia," she walked to the bed and gently sat in it just so she could face Olivia. She leaned closer to her "What's wrong? Didn't it go well?"
Olivia didn't blink. She didn't even turn for a second.
"Is that why you're like this?"

Amy exhaled when she was sure Olivia wasn't even listening. What on earth was she going to do?

"Aunty," Grace reached for Amy's arm and then tugged it, trying to gain her attention. Amy turned slowly "Is my mummy going to be okay?"

She asked as they noticed the drop of tear that fell from Olivia's eyes as she sniffed and then blinked her eyes again.

Amy forced a smile at the little girl and nodded slowly

"Your mum is just having a moment, I think she just needs some time, she'd talk to us eventually "


Amy nodded. She could see how extremely worried Grace was, especially since Olivia wouldn't even look at her. Amy exhaled and slowly turned back to Olivia.

"At least you should eat something ." She told her "If you're going to cry the whole night, you should eat something. Stay here with your daughter, I'd go get you something to eat."

Amy got up to leave.

"What time is it?" Olivia finally asked. Amy stopped walking and hurried to face her.

"Hey," She told her "You finally spoke."

"What time is it?" Olivia asked again sniffing and cleaning her eyes as fast as she could. Amy checked her wrist watch.

"It's almost eight thirty." She said and then turned back to Olivia as Olivia got up quickly "Why?" She frowned. "Where are you going?"

"Take care of Grace," she told Amy, quickly turning to her "There's somewhere I have to be."

"What?" Amy turned to Grace slowly and then back to Olivia "Olivia, What is going on?"

"I'd explain everything when I'm back."

Olivia didn't have the time to explain. She had to stop him or at least try. She turned as fast as she could, hurrying to the door. Amy turned to Grace quickly, they were both frightened as they watched Olivia run out through the door.

"Aunty," Grace's voice was shaky.

"Hey." Amy hurried to the bed and sat right beside her. "It's okay." She pulled Grace close and gave her a hug." she's going to be back soon, you don't have to be scared."
She told the little girl just as Olivia hurried her way out of the big hospital, checking her wrist watch as fast as she could

Thirty minutes,

She had twenty minutes to meet up with him before he left, twenty minutes to change his mind.

She hailed the taxi that was coming in her direction. It stoped night beside her and she got in as fast as she could. It drove off

Olivia checked her watch as she ran towards the large house.

Five minutes left.

God, she really hoped she was early at least.

"Welcome home madam Olivia." Olivia was barely listening to the old man that stood at the doorpost, holding the door open as she rushed into the big house.

Olivia ran to the living room, glancing through to find traces of him, there were none, there were none on the stairs either. She ran up the stairs and straight to his room.

She opened it.

It was just as she remembered, everything was still in place. It didn't looked like there was anything missing besides him. She did the same with all the other five rooms and then,

His study.

She hurried down the stairs again, finding her way towards the brown door that led to Rafael's study. Her breathing, harder. She opened it quickly and stormed inside, praying in her heart that she wasn't late.

It was empty.

His books were still arranged neatly on his shelf. She turned to his table, there was nothing on it, nothing besides his laptop.

Olivia's heart was racing. she scanned the room with her eyes, swallowing as hard as she could.

Where were all his books and files? Why was his table so empty?

Think positively Olivia

She told herself running away from the room again. There was one place left, the kitchen. Olivia hurried back to the hallway and took the next turn leading to the kitchen, she paused.

The door was open wide and she could see the lights coming from it.

She could also see Benita and Lucy, they just held on tight to each other crying into each other's arms.

Olivia staggered to them the moment they turned to her. What was going on? Why were they like that? She didn't want to think and she kind of didn't want to know but her legs where strangely finding their way to them.

She watched Benita sniff hard. She had a lot of tears on her face as she stretched her arms towards Olivia, encouraging her to come into them. Tears welled up in her eyes as she kept on walking to them.

She didn't need them to say anything to her, she could already guess what they were going to say. Her legs trembled as they found their way to the seat beside the old woman. Olivia slowly sat in it and fell under the woman's embrace as she gently pushed her head to her breast. Lucy's crying got worse.

It was just at that moment Olivia knew she had lost him, Rafael wasn't there anymore. He had gone. He had left and he was never coming back. She was late.

She shut her eyes, just as more tears came falling down. She drew a deep breath, wrapping her trembling hands into each other. she was shivering now. She let out a tiny whimper and then sniffed.

He was never coming back.

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