Chapter 11

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Olivia cleaned her tears away with the back of her hands as she turned to the sound of her ringing phone

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Olivia cleaned her tears away with the back of her hands as she turned to the sound of her ringing phone. That was probably the hundredth time Austin was calling her. She needed him to understand that she needed her space. She needed time to get her life back together. She needed to be as far away from the Silvers as possible. She sniffed as she picked up the phone.

Thankfully, it wasn't Andrew this time.

She rubbed the tip of her nose and sniffed the moment she heard the voice from the other end.

"Hi. I got your text message, are you okay? Where are you now? Are you hurt?" The sound of Amy's voice blared through the speaker of her phone, soothing her.

Aside from Amanda, Amarachi was the second best thing she had to family. They were family after all, cousins. Amy was one of the few people she trusted her secrets with, trusted her life with.

"Y-yes." She stammered. "I'm fine. I'm lodged in a hotel at the moment-"

"Olivia, are you really okay?" Amy cut her off, the concern in her voice was evident. Olivia sighed before she bit hard on her lower lip, feeling tears fighting its way into her eyes once more.

"No." She sniffed. "No, I'm not, but I will be." She nodded even though Amy couldn't see her. She heard Amy sigh at the other end of the line.

"I know you will." She said and even though Olivia couldn't see her, she could already picture the usual stress lines appearing on her forehead. They always appeared when Amy frowned or got worried. "I'm just really glad you finally decided to do the right thing and leave that wretched family." She said after a while. "Billionaire or not, you deserved much more than that, you deserve better than that."

"I know." Olivia rolled her eyes, cleaning her tears away with the back of her hand. "I know that now."

"Good." There was a pause for about a few seconds. "We've missed you over here, a lot. You should see how mum's preparing for your arrival, you'd think the president's coming." She joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. Olivia smiled faintly. "What time does your plane to Enugu leave tomorrow? I'll come get you from the airport." She added.

"Uhm-" Olivia pursed her lip, allowing her eyes to wander around the hotel room. "Seven AM."

"Okay. See you then." Amy paused and then sighed. "Take good care of yourself baby girl, I love you okay?"

"Love you too." Olivia repeated and hung up. She lowered her phone and let out a shaky breath. This was it. Finally, she was free.  She could finally see that starting over was possible. She glanced down, staring at the twenty-three missed calls notification from Austin way longer than she should have.

She couldn't talk to him.
Not now. Not in a very long time.

Not until she was convinced she was finally okay.
Not as long as being involved with him meant there was a possibility of Andrew or Victoria still being in her life.

She sighed and then looked around.

She had no idea what life had in store for her from that very moment but she was more than willing to find out.

She was going to be okay, she had to be and one day maybe, she would look back and it wouldn't hurt so much.

The sound of a knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned towards the direction of the door, her eyebrows narrowing.

Nobody was supposed to know she was there, no one did and she didn't remember calling for room service. Releasing a shaky breath, she walked towards the door and then cleared her throat.

"Who's there?" She asked, her voice barely audible. "Who's there?" She repeated, peeking through the peephole.

"This is Detective Joseph." She heard a voice from the other end of the door, an ID card replacing the figure in front of the door through the peep hole. "Mrs. Olivia Silver?" The man asked. Olivia frowned as she reached for the doorknob slowly, her eyebrows narrowing in confusion.

What did they want from her?
Did Andrew send them to track her down?

She twisted the doorknob and carefully pulled the door open.

"How may I help you?" She asked, glancing at the two hefty men in front of the door one after the other. The one who she remembered had introduced himself as Detective Joseph stepped forward with handcuff in his hands.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Mr Andrew Silver." His partner spoke as he moved to stand behind her. She didn't even try to protest when the cold metal made contact with her wrist. She couldn't. She was too shocked to make a sound, too shocked to think, too shocked to react. The nine words he'd spoken had sucked the oxygen out of her.

"Wh-What?" She stammered.

It wasn't possible. Andrew couldn't be dead. She had just seen him a few hours ago...touched him...yelled at him. He had hit her just a few hours ago, how could he be dead?

"I'm sorry, I-"

"I'd advice you to remain quiet as anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law." It was Detective Joseph who spoke this time. "You have the right to a lawyer. If you cannot afford one, the state will provide one for you." He continued.

Olivia zoned out to everything else happening right after he said those words. She didn't understand what was happening. She had no idea why she was being arrested for something she had absolutely no idea about, something she found very difficult to believe. She was too weak to fight, too tired and confused to even defend herself.

And even though she didn't have a clue what sick game Andrew was playing this time, she sure as hell didn't want to be a part of it.

They took her away

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