Chapter 2

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17 years later

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17 years later...

February 17th 2013

"Due to the substantial evidence provided against the accused, the court has hereby passed its verdict. The accused, Olivia Silver, has been found guilty of the murder of her late husband, Andrew Silver, and has hereby, been sentenced to thirty two years in prison."

Olivia felt her life come to a stop the moment those words left the Judge's mouth. She would be lying if she said she was surprised. She knew they would never let her off that easily and by they, she meant Victoria. Tears blurred her vision as she scanned through the crowd, the flickering sounds of camera and the lights filling the room, she held her breath when she took sight of her best friend Amanda, she could see her move her lips but she couldn't seem to hear the words coming out of her mouth because everything was happening in slow motion.

Nothing made sense.

She was numb, exhausted and scared.

Thirty two years.

Where on earth was she supposed to start from?

What would happen to her baby?

She could feel tears in her eyes threatening to fall and she tried as hard as she could to hold it all in. She tried so hard to keep her eyes down, away from all the flickering lights, away from the camera as the policemen that had placed handcuffs on both her hands, led her out of the room. Yes, the media weren't going to miss a story like that for anything. There were a lot of them and it was like they all wanted to cover the story.

At that point, she was drawn in between pulling herself in whatever direction the policemen pulled her and the attack questions thrown at her while the media tried to push their way to her.

"Did you really kill your husband Mrs Silver? Is it true you were jealous your husband might have had a mistress? Why did you do it?"

"Mrs Silver, is it true that you murdered your husband just so you could have access to your rights as his next of kin? To his wealth and businesses? For your financial gain?"

God those questions, those annoying questions. It was like no one believed a thing she had said in court.

I didn't do it !

She wanted to yell at the top of her lungs but the thought of returning back to that cell and spending the next thirty two years of her life in it constantly frightened her.

"Did you really admit to everyone that you wanted Mr silver killed?" The questions kept coming "Mrs Silver, why did you do it?"

Thank God for those policemen.
They were the only ones protecting her from all that crazy.

"This way."

Their grasp on her was so tight. She could almost feel their fingers piercing towards her bones. She could also guess the rest of the policemen were trying to push the media back so she could make her way outside the building from the back door. She knew the tons of angry mobs waiting to stone her to her death if they could we waiting right outside the front door.

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