Chapter 21

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Rafael didn't stop walking for a second even after he stormed out of the large metallic prison gate, loosening his tie while taking deep breaths at the same time. His direction was focused on getting to his black Mercedes.

He knew Tony had followed him right from the waiting room, calling his name over and over again, wanting him to slow down a bit or at least talk to him but Rafael knew exactly what he was going to say and that was exactly what he was trying to avoid.
He rushed to his car and pulled the back door open.

Why did he do what he just did though?

The door shut quickly.

"Why did you do what you just did?"
Tony's glare was so hard on him while his left hand held on tight to the door's handle so Rafael didn't try to open it again.

Rafael glared at him for a second.
He had barely noticed when Tony rushed to the car before he did.

"Why did you do that? I'm asking you"

Tony was trying so hard to understand what had just happened in there. He never really understood why Rafael stormed out of the interrogation room in the middle of a session with so much anger and disgust written all over his face. He didn't even stop for a second to inform him he was taking his leave.

"She did it." Rafael told him, "She killed him."

"What?" Tony blinked in disbelief

"There's no need pushing this case. She can't win it. The evidence they have against her is huge."

"T-that's not possible. You can figure it out, I know you can-"

"That's the point, you're not listening to me!" Rafael cut him off quickly. Now he was yelling a little bit. He had had enough of it. Even Tony was surprised. "This is not just a regular murder case Tony, she killed a very important person, an heir of one of the biggest companies, and the son of one of the most powerful families the country has ever known. The Silvers are scary people. She can't win. She was doomed from the start and I don't want to get involved in whatever mess this is."

Tony exhaled. He knew he had to at least reason with him.

"Come on brother, you just said the Silvers are scary people. It means you believe they are just doing this to cover up their mess. They are using her as bait-"

"What does it even matter?" Rafael cut him off. He was getting really frustrated. "None of this matters, none of what you think, what we think matter. I promised my previous case was going to be my last and you know exactly why I made that promise. The Silvers are very dangerous people, they have one of the best resources, best lawyers. Going up against them is suicide. A war we might not win."

"So what? We just let them get away with it? We let her die in there?"

"Honestly Tony, it's not my problem." Rafael snapped. "I don't know that woman, and I definitely don't care what happens to her. There are a thousand other lawyers out there, good lawyers that can defend her. I'm not taking this case or any other cases. I quit the practice and I mean it. Now you can either ride home with me or order a taxi, but this is your problem now, not mine. She's not my responsibility, never has been."

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